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  • gc_check
    11-14 10:11 AM
    AP is sent to the lawyer if you filed the G328

    Not always true, I've filed G-28 in my case, but received the AP at my residence address. Have friends/colleagues who had received AP at the attorney address. So it is kinda random. No logic behind this.

    It is important we get the document.

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  • mmj
    04-20 02:50 PM
    Thanks! Now we need 49,995 more :)

    Just wrote to whitehouse and to my senator.

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  • HumHongeKamiyab
    01-12 01:29 PM
    I have been through your situation twice for my 2 kids who were born in houston, texas.

    First of all, let me tell you its expensive. You are expected to pay about 2500$ to the doctor, about 3500$ to the hospital, 1500$ for epidural (if used) and also about 1000$ as misc. (for ultra sound, x rays etc).. This is a rough estimate and in my opinion it is still better option than paying for a maternity insurance. This is what I found with maternity insurance, you will be paying about 600 to 700$/ month as a premium for almost a year, and even after that, you will end up paying about 20 or 30% of the cost (which is your deductible).

    The complications covered on individual insurance in texas are really not of much help as they only cover catastrophic situations. New borns are usually covered for the 1st month on mom's coverage (for individual insurance).

    Keep in mind, the hospital and doctors office will negotiate with you, if you are making cash payment. You will be surprised to know that, I was told 5000$ for my wifes normal delivery (2 night of stay in hospital) by the hospital near houston texas and finally settled down to 2500$ for my first child (back in 2003). Do some research and find out all the hospitals within 25 miles near you..

    I know its lot of money but in the end you are giving your kids the American citizenship. Do not get hung up on the money you spent, as the baby will give you lot of joy and will thank you for what you did today (Hopefully;-)..

    Hope that helps..


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  • kart2007
    05-17 12:52 PM
    First of all make a complaint about the employer to the INS that he is not paying... and make decision, US is not your entire life. If you have confidence you can do anything anywhere in this small world.

    So I assume you told this to your neighbor who lives downstairs :D


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  • go_guy123
    01-04 07:01 PM
    A freind of mine came across a gentleman, who is here on work visa and he is facing a unique problem. He is married to two persons and wants to bring his whole family here in the USA. He was looking for answer if he can get both his spouses and kids here on H4 visas. Currently both of them and his kids are in India. Interesting hmmm :D

    I am curious to know with whom he spends the night with...only that one is eligible to come on H4.

    Damm...my imagination is running wild.

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  • rssb
    01-25 10:52 AM
    Also shops/ people who have purchased substitute labor during the July 2007 window and faked lot of other things and are enjoying Ead's now.

    When hundreds of genuine people stuck in EB3 from 2002, 2003 are unable to port or start new applications waiting forever. People with Substitute labor are able to show 3-4 years experience since 2007 and are porting leaving genuine EB2 and EB3 applicants behind.


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  • agpg
    08-06 11:45 AM
    Count me in. I am in the same boat

    Here are my details:
    EB2 - India
    PD:May 18,, 2004
    I140 Approval: Jan 25, 2007
    RD:July. 02, 2007
    ND: Aug 02, 2007
    Service Center: NSC

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  • pmat
    07-02 04:18 PM
    Medical - $450 (self + spouse)
    Fedex - $75
    Photos - $65
    Other (Gas, photocopy, etc) - $50

    Total - $640



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  • qasleuth
    03-27 11:47 AM

    You are missing it again. What is a driver license for ? Drivers license is a drivers license. It is a verification whether one has the driving skills and knowledge to drive safely on the road.

    What has it got to do with job or immigration status ?

    Matters related to Driver license are largely decided by States but with "Secure ID Initiative" passed in the Congress, some of the powers have shifted to the Federal Govt. Many aspects of Secure ID initiative are still work in progress but some of the states have taken pro-active steps.
    Driver license is not merely used for letting the person drive BUT ALSO serves as a photo ID.
    Your immigrant status is linked to how long you can stay in this country. Your stay in this country is prescribed by the laws established by USCIS, Department of Homeland Security and other agencies. Driver's license is the single most important photo identification is this land. It shows who you are, where you reside and if you are legally in this country.
    You use your photo ID to board a plane, when applying for a loan, to deal with various govt. agencies etc.

    As for your question as to why driver's license is used for ID: That same question has been debated by lawmakers and thus came the idea of "Real ID". Go lookup info regarding Real ID and you will be pretty happy with using Driver's license as the ID.

    Why is any of the above causing your grief ? Why references to slavery ? As long as the system is transparent and documented on their websites (like DMVs), I fail to understand your angst.

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  • pappu
    04-21 12:44 PM
    Here is some analysis from Immigration Policy Center
    How Much Will Arizona's Immigration Bill (SB1070) Cost?

    April 21, 2010
    Washington, D.C.- Frustrated by Congress' failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform, states across the country continue considering legislation that relies heavily on punitive, enforcement-only measures which not only fail to end unauthorized immigration but also have the potential to dig their state's finances deeper into a hole. The latest example of this kind of policy nose dive is in Arizona. A recent bill, "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act" (SB 1070), was passed by the Arizona State legislature and awaits the signature of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. As the Governor ponders whether or not to put her signature on SB 1070, she should consider the potential economic impact of the bill, which would require police to check a person's immigration status if they suspect that person is in the United States illegally. This bill, if it becomes law, will likely affect not only unauthorized immigrants, but all immigrants and Latinos in general. Given the vital role that immigrants and Latinos play in Arizona's economy, and considering Arizona's current budget deficit of $3 billion dollars, enacting SB 1070 could be a perilous move.

    At a purely administrative level, Gov. Brewer should take into consideration the potential costs of implementation and defending the state against lawsuits. As the National Employment Law Project (NELP) points out in the case of other states that have passed harsh local immigration laws, Arizona would probably face a costly slew of lawsuits on behalf of legal immigrants and native-born Latinos who feel they have been unjustly targeted. This is in addition to the cost of implementation. For instance, NELP observes that "in Riverside, New Jersey, the town of 8,000 had already spent $82,000 in legal fees defending its ordinance" by the time it was rescinded in September, 2007. Also in 2007, the county supervisors in Prince William County, Maryland were unwilling to move forward with the police enforcement portion of an immigration law after they found that the price tag would be a minimum of $14 million for five years.

    More broadly, Gov. Brewer should keep in mind that, if significant numbers of immigrants and Latinos are actually persuaded to leave the state because of this new law, they will take their tax dollars, businesses, and purchasing power with them. The University of Arizona's Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy estimates that the total economic output attributable to Arizona's immigrant workers was $44 billion in 2004, which sustained roughly 400,000 full-time jobs. Furthermore, over 35,000 businesses in Arizona are Latino-owned and had sales and receipts of $4.3 billion and employed 39,363 people in 2002 - the last year for which data is available. The Perryman Group also estimates that if all unauthorized immigrants were removed from Arizona, the state would lose $26.4 billion in economic activity, $11.7 billion in gross state product, and approximately 140,324 jobs, even accounting for adequate market adjustment time. Putting economic contributions of this magnitude at risk during a time of recession would not serve Arizona well.

    With Arizona facing a budget deficit of more than $3 billion, Gov. Brewer might want to think twice about measures such as SB 1070 that would further imperil the state's economic future and try instead to find ways in which she can bring additional tax revenue to her state while pursuing smart enforcement that will actually protect Arizonans.


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  • gcnirvana
    07-07 08:46 PM
    If you are in the West, Nightly News is on right now and this news is coming up shortly.

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  • sushilup
    02-17 06:35 PM
    Grow up man...think before writing
    whatever is not useful to you that doesn't mean it is foolish stuff..
    I agree with Cal97...and it was helpful to me also...since i am travelling..

    One advise for you...just ignore which is not useful to you...

    it probably means.. they are opening each and every mail they have recived and checking if the docs are in order or not..if they are.. they file it...else they send an RFE...

    i dont understand..how someone can be so f@#$% dumb as not know this simple procdure..

    there are so many posts..i got a LUD what not.... its annoying...
    its like.. USCIS touched my lu(n)d..will i get a GC now..

    grow up ..
    i may have offended some purists on this board.... idgaf..<:-|


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  • kaisersose
    02-19 12:04 PM
    Wellwin I am totally agree with your points and whatever you have mentioned in your message is appreciable.
    like_watching_paint_dry your points are valid but try to see from the other side I mean think if would have chosen for CP instead of 485.
    Please don't hink that CP filers are not contributing in any efforts of immigration voice, I have also sent letters to president for this latest campaign although there was no point mentioned for CP. I know that we can win this battle together.

    In short I just want to say that it would be good if we all work together please do consider the CP filers as part of this community.

    I do not get it.

    As far as I know, a CP applicant can always switch over to AOS if already inside the US. It is harder for an AOS applicant to switch to CP.

    You will have to make a choice. Do you want the benefits of CP or AOS? The way things are presently, you cannot have both. So pick one.

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  • a_yaja
    12-14 01:35 PM
    For how long is USCIS issuing the EAD & AP these days?

    My EAD got approved in 54 days. Online status went straight from Initial Review to Card Production Ordered. I got the CPO email last Friday (12/10/2010) - still waiting for the card. Not sure about AP as I did not apply for an AP this time.


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  • cheg
    08-22 07:16 PM
    Thanks for the info, roseball!


    Starting July 16th, 2007, labor certification has a 60 day validity period. Meaning, a I-140 petition needs to be filed within 60 days from labor approval date....If immigrant visa numbers are unavailable (dates retrogressed), you wont be able to file your I-140/I-485 concurrently but you can file your I-140 petition irrespective of your priority date as long as you have a labor approved. You dont have to apply for your labor again and again....Its just that, once you get your I-140 approved, you will have to wait for dates to become current to file I-485...

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  • nozerd
    01-04 11:16 AM
    Yeah if the restriction was for non immigrants none of their "special" buddies from gulf states like UAE, Saudi, Kuwait etc would be able to visit.

    Some on work visa is ineligible under
    Section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act reads:
    (a) Classes of Aliens Ineligible for Visas or Admission.-Except as otherwise provided in this Act, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:
    (A) Practicing polygamists.-Any immigrant who is coming to the United States to practice polygamy is inadmissible

    In cases of polygamy, only the first spouse may qualify as a spouse for immigration.


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  • nrk
    11-01 01:19 PM
    Thanks for the information

    Google DHS USCIS ombudsman and you will find a link to form 7001

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  • syzygy
    07-06 03:34 PM
    Should we put this on digg ?

    The thread is just fine. Hopefully, it'll attract a few more contributors to the flower campaign. We need a few more for the magic three digits!

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  • jonty_11
    08-22 01:43 PM
    It would help if Masters is only counted from the Acredited Univs...

    09-08 12:50 AM
    Guys and Gals flying out of Northern California, please pm me. I need some of your luggage space. Nothing sensitive just banners etc. We can meet up near your place and I can hand-over the stuff to you

    Also, don't forget to pack a formal suit for the lobby day. We will need it for sure.


    12-23 02:55 PM
    I guess the term "YMMV" (your mileage may vary) holds good for this thread...some have had good experiences and some have had really bad ones with Indian and foreign consulates.

    But, it is dis-heartening to know the plight of some of the members who had to run from pillar-to-post to get their Indian passport renewed (as the Indian Embassy/Consulates are supposed to help their citizens - not make the citizens' lives miserable).