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  • sayantan76
    12-27 12:09 PM
    Pineapple .. you hit the nail right on the head. It is a misconception that everything is cool in India. There are a lot more problems than just your salary. Money is not everything . I think standard of living and less corruption , cleanliness and less crowd do count towards life.
    i know i end up getting red dots for speaking up my mind - but i dont seem to learn!

    outsourcing is a phenomenon that will slowly expand in scope beyond low-end IT jobs - but the larger issue is that overall economic activity, which was concentrated in a few cities around the world - like NYC, London, Singapore, Tokyo etc., is getting geographically distributed - today more cities/ countries have world class higher education schools, stock exchanges, hospitals, manufacturing companies, banks than ever a result - starting with tier II and tier III cities and eventually NYC, Chicago etc -the pride of place held by many US cities is now going over to places like Mumbai, Jo'berg, East European cities, Brazil, Chinese cities etc......companies are choosing to list their stocks at hitherto unknown exchanges, people are travelling to India and Thailand to get medical treatment done and so on

    obviously jobs of all kinds - not just IT jobs - move alongwith the shift in economic activity - and this is not just about saving labor costs - but about overall balancing of demand and supply for land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.

    So, those who have high skill adaptability, geographical mobility and a strong network of professional peers are likely to continue to succeed in this game...having a GC or not would become irrelevant sooner than we probably think..

    A personal comment for hpandey - not sure where you live in US- but i cant imagine how living in 300sqft lofts in NYC or shabby NJ suburbs (for many of us) and doing all grocery/ laundry/ housekeeping/ NYC type commute on your own can be any worse than living in delhi or mumbai or bangalore with driver, domestic helps etc. :-)

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  • longq
    12-29 05:55 PM
    Because, till 2005 there were extra 100,000 (total 242,000 were issued) recapturd numbers available. Therefore, no one cared (DOS/USCIS) about AC21 law that removes country quota. EB2 were curren for all then.

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  • purgan
    02-20 03:10 PM
    Good find.

    Maybe this will help the struggling economy....Greenspan said last week that we need to allow immigration of more skilled workers to stave of recession

    One thing the country could do to improve things is to allow more immigration of skilled workers.

    "Significantly opening up immigration to skilled workers solves two problems," he said. The companies could hire the educated workers they need. And those workers would compete with high-income people, driving more income equality, he said.

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  • akred
    07-14 11:05 PM
    What was 245(i) amnesty?...just curious

    Section 245(i) is a part of the INA. In 2001, this section was updated to allow people present illegally to submit a labor certification. This resulted in the DOL getting 6 years worth of applications in April 2001. These applications led to the establishment of the Backlog Elimination Centers and the PERM process. The applications filed 6 years ago are still being processed by the DOL.

    Btw if you do not support DREAM ACT than you shouldn't be on this forum...

    At this point I am neutral on the DREAM act. Before I can support the DREAM act you need to prove how it helps children of legal immigrants. I suspect there is more to your story than you are letting on. If you are 21 now, you would have been 19 in 2005 and well able to understand the consequences of becoming an illegal immigrant. As someone said the F1 was an option if you wanted to maintain legal status.


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  • java06
    01-30 09:59 AM
    sent the letters to IV and Mr. President.

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  • Nil
    04-19 04:07 PM

    Pls let us get over this and get back to real work.
    Writing to the whitehouse is a good idea.
    So is filling up one's details and donating for the cause.


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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    12-12 12:52 PM
    is definitely better than no movement. My application is still 3 months retrogressed now. Getting closer albeit slowly.

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  • transpass
    02-23 02:16 PM
    I got the scanned copy of the RFE of my wife's case from my attorney this morning, here are the details - "Need secondary evidence to demonstrate the claimed relationship..."

    I had submitted the marriage certificate, but now they want more. Gurus, has anyone received something like this before, please suggest how this can be taken care of. Can someone point me to a sample affidavit, please?

    Thank you!!

    Sometimes, Indian passport has spouse's name entered...May be that should help also..


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  • kondur_007
    08-11 09:32 PM
    I am currently on H1B visa and I want to switch the company. New company is not willing to do H1B transfer and want me to work on EAD. I have pending I485 EB3 ROW with priority date of March 2006. Its been more than 180 days that I filed for I485 so I can use AC21 with EAD.
    But my question is how risky will it be if I switch job at this stage with EAD?

    Thanks in advance,

    I believe that this is a bit more complex issue and depends a lot on several specific details of your case. At times this is very safe to do and at other times it is "no no". At times it is advisable to inform USCIS and at other times not. It all depends on several specific factors (specifics of your case: details of LC, job title, duties, classification, salary, location etc etc).

    Bottom line: Can't get/give answer on the forum. Definitely worth consulting a VERY GOOD attorney.

    Good Luck.

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  • abhidos37
    08-22 12:48 PM
    best of luck to you too


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  • Max
    03-23 10:33 AM
    I am ready to join other guys to meet local congressmen and senators in Columbus, OH. Pl. let me know if you need any help/ coordination.

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  • anilsal
    02-10 10:17 PM
    a FP appointment notice.

    Since I am a July 07 filer like many others, it may indicate that they are dusting the apps to generate FP notices?


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  • Guig0
    02-04 11:06 AM
    some use m$paint, others photoshop or fireworks.

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  • GCaspirations
    10-03 10:36 PM
    This trend of cases filed at NSC and transferred to CSC and then back to NSC have not received FP notices yet.
    Intrestingly, the cases being transferred from NSC to CSC and then going to TSC are getting the FP notices. Sparky_jones got it. I just read above that one other persons went to there too. Please update us when you receive the FP notice and I am sure you will receive it soon.

    I am trying to track FP notices. Please visit this thread.
    Sorry the link is not working anymore. Looks like the administrators do not want us to track this.


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  • Libra
    09-19 07:51 PM
    there were 2000 registered members and their families and late comers.....

    any idea how many came to the rally?

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  • calabor2001
    05-07 11:52 PM
    I don't even know where to start on this. Should I be angry or frustrated or laugh at the incompetence of DoS/USCIS or is it just time to leave US and move to more immigration friendly country or better yet - settle down in my home country. I have spent close to a decade in the US, already have a Masters and almost done with the second one. Decided to take a break and visit India/family after 3.5 years. Guess what, I am stuck - since Jan. 7th 2008. No questions asked, no information provided - just handed over a pink slip in the name of "221g - Additional Administrative Processing". So, from being a law-abiding citizen paying his taxes and doing everything by the book, I overnight became a "threat to the national security" whose background needed to be checked. What kind of BS is that? And why for heaven's sake are you worried about me AFTER I have already left the country on my own accord. Subject me to SC while I am there and deport me if something fishy is found. Don't make me go through this WHEN I MYSELF left the country... Oh! Logic - these F@#$heads don't have that.

    I don't even have a freaking traffic violation on my name and here I am. Go figure! thankfully, I have family in New Delhi (I went to the embassy here) and a fast Internet connection to continue working - but for how long?

    I have called DoS religiously every week for the last few months now... same crappy response, just a different day. I went to the embassy last week to inquire and oh my lord! I was treated like a terrorist. My wife took an Infopass apptt. to figure out and the officer said, "Who knows your husband may be involved in something you don't know?" :) That is when we gave up laughing... understanding and agreeing that if nothing changes in a reasonable amount of time (to each his own) we will change our situation our selves.


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  • thomachan72
    04-14 03:24 PM
    I read through this proposed legislature and there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
    your valid drivers license is clearly mentioned as one of the acceptable proof of legal status. you need to be arrested or there should be obvious reason to suspect ilegal presence for the law official to ask proof of legal status. Why is that of any concern? That is perfectly normal in a legal society. You dont have to walk around with your 797 or 94s all you have to carry is a valid drivers license. Even if you dont have a license you will be given a chance to proove your legal status or inother words the decision is not made on the spot.
    Again for those unfortunate who are here ilegally this law might become an issue. But we might end up seeing inflation as a result of these crack downs. More industry particularly packing/agriculture might migrate oversees. Anyway we will wait and see.

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  • v2neha
    03-03 04:43 PM

    My retired parents are visiting me and will be here for atleast six months. Mom is fine but Dad is extremely bored in just two days. Can you guys suggest how do I keep him busy while having him help us with IV activities? He has excellent communication skills. One thing I think of is having him surf the net and research immigration related media contacts all across the nation. Please comment with your suggestions.


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  • jonty_11
    07-25 02:43 PM
    I gets very severe migraine attack almost everyday thinking about the GC !! I took so many pain killers(acetameno) almost everyday they also stopped working on me...and due to these apin killers ..I became acidic ..acidity everyday..even without eating spicy wife says, probably my lever damaged ..don't like to visit doctors ...will it get worse ? I can't escape visiting IV everyday !! Any remedy for me will be highly appreciated....
    While a pray for your "lever"....i will suggest u see a doctor asap!!!

    And I will also prescribe you channel all the pain into some positive energy by helping IV via contributions, volunteer work...and participatingin action items...all that is very rewarding!!! and will help you from going nuts, bananas and what have you!!

    04-30 10:01 PM
    Defence deals , trade , outsourcing and immigration have always been very closely related all these years . The main reason that Obama was in India was to sell American wares and the No 1 list of his agenda was the $10.1 Billion MMRCA deal apart from future contracts on India's Nuclear Power generation program.

    India on the other hand too has always lobbied the US on H1Bs and overall outsourcing issue and the deliberate maligning of Indian outsourcing companies was responded to with a warning by India that the US will be seriously disadvantaged in its other trade with India should US politicians continue to target Indian IT companies and IT engineers particularly.

    This was clear in the Doha talks starting in 2007 and later years in where India chose to bring specifically the H1-B visa issue always , although the Doha talks might not have been the right forum to bring such issues. ( see link below )

    India Links Visa Flap with Doha Talks (

    "The country's Commerce & Industry Minister says stories of work visa abuse by outsourcing companies could hurt chances for a global trade deal "

    So the carrot of "Global trade" with India was being used very effectively so far by India to lobby for getting other concessions in the outsourcing industry and I am not sure how much this is going to be possible now .

    In reality the level of Indo US relations has reached has never been so low in recent times and the below articles aptly details out the causes and the sentiment.

    "Its unclear whether he(Obama) will listen to his advisers to pay India back for its decision(MMRCA)."

    08-06 01:08 PM
    Count me in too

    PD Dec 2004
    EB2 NSC
    RD : 26th Jul 2007
    FP done