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  • dcv
    Sep 13, 11:49 AM
    So you re telling me I most likely won't even be able to have a cab take me home - my partner has to work, can't get out of it.

    I'm afraid I'm going to be puking all over the place.

    I'm weird. They are going to cut a 6-inch hole in my back and remove one of my lamina and a disc, and I'm worried about anesthesia.


    six-inch hole? :eek: *ouch* (sorry not helping am i)

    really there is nothing to worry about at all, you'll be in very safe hands and you should feel fine afterwards, just probably a little sleepy and possibly nauseous (though not in all cases). they do strongly recommend that you have someone come and collect you after a general anaesthetic just to be safe.

    my experience of GA is just from a very short operation - i had an arthroscopy (keyhole surgery) on my knee a few years ago. i remember being on the trolley outside theatre and was amazed at how easily the anaesthetist stuck the cannula in my arm and how painless the process was... all previous history of blood tests etc has involved much painful prodding and poking to find a vein! i wasn't asked to count down or anything, all i can remember is saying 'oooh i feel all funny' - someone here described it as a dreamy sort of state which is pretty accurate, you sort of feel a bit faint - and the next thing i knew i was waking up after the op.

    apparently people say strange things when they are coming around after a GA. one of the nurses was pulling a plaster strip off and said 'this might hurt' and i vaguely remember mumbling something about it not being as painful as bikini waxing, LOL!!!

    i felt fine afterwards, in fact surprisingly perky especially as i'd been up really early that morning. but then pretty tired later on in the day. i hadn't actually been under for very long though.

    all in all, don't worry about it, you'll be fine :) good luck with the op!

    i've got a video of my arthroscopy somewhere...

    edit: actually by far the worst thing about the whole op was having to wear big granny-style paper knickers!!! :eek: :o :D

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  • bryan85
    Jul 7, 12:03 AM
    And this is just the front�

    Yikes! Talk about a data security nightmare! :eek:

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  • efoto
    Sep 17, 04:21 PM
    Alright, perhaps the second time I was going there just to see what I could see, I'll admit that. The other time however was my friend's first time to that mall (yes runninmac) since the Apple Store opened, and he did want to look at iPods, which took him a whole 5 minutes.

    I see what you all are saying, but it makes me sound like some sort of predator or something. I haven't gone in drooling and grunting all while starring at her. It takes two to make eye-contact you know, and it wasn't a creepy sort of thing, just a passing glance from a decent ways away. I didn't see her and suddenly start moving her way or anything, it was just a look. The story was outlined as such solely because I was bored, so I put a little more thought into the story than perhaps I should have....I am not obsessed with her, and if she is reading this then she can read that....I would easily pass her by I just thought she was cute and it caught me off guard that she would say hi to me outside of her paid-to-talk place of employment.

    Anyway, I only go there when I go to the mall, and only because it is the easiest store to relax in for a short while if I need a break from actual shopping, because there is a ton of eye-candy (computer wise) that I can wish for and play with. I will take your advices and not try to make eye-contact with her on subsequent visits, but I have to say that sounds pretty high-schoolish that I can't even look at a girl I happen think is attractive, but whatever if you all seem to think it could really be creeping her out.

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  • King Cobra
    Sep 13, 08:50 PM
    verbose, do you ever give newbies a break with typos these days? :rolleyes: :D

    Great posts, guys. Well worth reading. But I think some of you need to take a closer look at WHY MHz/GHz doesn't matter as much.

    First of all, the Px does not have the Velocity Engine, and OS 10.1/2 uses it. There is a dramatic performance over the G4 (and especially later G3s) with 10.2, as the operating system is now more effeciant. Also, OS X takes advantage of dual processors to a certain degree (maybe an extra 50 percent or so). Finally, when you take a look at the new PowerMacs, you are looking at 4MB of L3 Cache (w/ dual 1.25GHz). The Px don't seem to have that (if any). So, basically, that would bring a 64-bit system (in terms of the P4) to about 4 or 5GHz right there.

    Now, take a look at the PC. Sure, the PC has incredible boot time, is great for playing games, and has a quick OS. However, the P4 lacks the necessity of an effecient L1 Cache. I do not see how 4Kb will provide enough memory for the complex operations tha Macs can handle. So, instead of a 4.7GHz, you're looking at, maybe, 3.x or 4GHz, assuming, with this new chip, the L1 cache has remained unchanged.

    The only reasons Macs appear to be bogged down are because of the slower bus speeds (167MHz (Mac) compared to 333MHz or faster (PC) w/BOTH having DDR-RAM) and because not all applications support the Velocity Engine. It may not be THAT big of a difference, but it does bring the overall speed of the G4 down, when compared to a P4. Apple's apps sure work with OS X and the VE, but not a whole lot of other apps. In these cases (varies on how often, depending on what percentage of application usage involves the VE) the overall speed of the G4 (in relative terms to a P4) would decrease significantly, and that's one of the other reasons why were are getting hit badly.

    I honestly don't see how a G5 (IF it comes out) would help, unless it was able to *fool* non-VE apps to thinking that data is going in 64-bit pathways, and the G5 could split that to 128-bit or even 256-bit pathways. Otherwise, the G4 will NOT be beneficial in the long run.


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  • Funny Wallpaper, originally

  • mortonm33
    Mar 11, 09:24 AM
    Let us know if you hear anything. I figure that the lines won't be that bad after the amount of snow we had last night... Planning on getting down there around 3:30 or 4 myself.

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  • hob
    Nov 11, 04:04 AM
    Ironically the Japanese site seems to crash Safari on my powerbook...

    Firefox works though :rolleyes:


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  • iPhone Funny Guy wallpapers

  • ikir
    Nov 17, 05:00 PM
    I think the iPhone 4 looks great without a case....but it drops calls without the damn bumper!

    It doesn't. My and my friend's iPhones 4 have no problem without cover. Stop the paranoia and FUD.

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  • jbcaro
    Mar 13, 10:55 AM
    Get rid of DST. Not needed anymore. Problem solved.


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  • avamiser
    Apr 24, 08:52 AM
    Is there a way to have contents (home folder, applications, settings, preferences etc) of my Macs (one in the office and one at home) have any exact content.

    So I can leave my MacBookPro at work but at home pick up on where I left off on my MacBook? - have access to all the same apps and settings.

    My only guess is to SuperDuper the drive once I have the final HD and keep adding on both as I add apps/content along to both.


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  • Kaulitz
    Mar 27, 06:25 AM
    Try �1.42 a litre :rolleyes:


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  • samiwas
    Apr 11, 10:32 AM
    That's true but I can't understand how anyone can be looking at this years budget deficit on top of the entire 14trillion+ deficit and not saying America needs huge (in the trillions) cuts and raised taxes and now.

    You forgot one thing. I added it for you. You're welcome.

    I love how so many here talk about needed cuts, but never talk about needing to raise taxes. :rolleyes:

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  • sucky wallpaper - funny

  • fourthtunz
    Sep 14, 03:13 PM
    It seems like alot of the folks posting on this thread haven't tried the new Macs with osX.2. I'll admit 3 weeks ago the arguements posted above may have been valid, and thats not to say that apple doesn't have to come out with faster stuff to keep up with pcs but right now the Mac is very fast and a good deal.
    $1899 for a dual 867 with a dvd burner and the software is pretty close to a similar pc and the included software is a real deal.
    The new Hardware is a real improvement too. 2 optical bays and 4 ide drive bays with included raid software, if you haven't installed anything in the new Macs, believe me this is the best!
    I use my Macs fulltime in my audio/video studio and for me it doesn't get any better than this!
    Yes Macs initially cost more but the new speed/productivity boost quickly makes up of the slight difference.
    So buy an emac if you need a cheap computer, maybe not as fast as the cheap pc but more portable!


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  • michaelsviews
    Feb 24, 05:06 AM
    What a waste of taxpayers money. Here is a great idea, learn to be a parent!

    I'll second that, maybe if Mommy and Daddy were doing there parenting duties Tax payers dollars would not be wasted because of the bad parenting.

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  • wallpaper funny cat.

  • herdnerfer
    Apr 13, 11:38 AM
    The scalpers are buying up all the AT&T versions to sell overseas. The Verizon models are no use to them since they only work in the US. Mystery solved....


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  • MattSepeta
    May 2, 01:55 PM
    WORTH IT :D.

    But seriously terrorism is like crime, you can't get rid of crime by arresting all the criminals. You have to determine the root causes and alleviate those as much as possible.

    But it's a lot easier (and often better received) :confused: to just blow **** up, so we usually do that instead.

    So what is the root cause of terrorism? Enlighten us.

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  • Download Wallpapers - Funny

  • akatsuki
    Apr 5, 07:16 PM
    Frankly Apple should just commit to Thunderbolt and put those ports right on there. There is really no need for any other port.


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  • abby0880
    Sep 1, 04:02 AM
    This is nice if it will only be made visible to your friends or if the application will allow you to choose who will know where your exact location is. However, if this is something dangerous, then maybe it will not be worth it. play australian pokies online (http://www.playonlinepokies.com.au/)

    wallpaper funny. Wallpapers - Funny (Part 7,
  • Wallpapers - Funny (Part 7,

  • rdowns
    May 1, 07:17 AM
    The correspondents dinner was tonight and Trump got destroyed. He did not look happy.:p

    No he didn't. Serves the ****er right. I read he was booed when he arrived. Obama killed and Seth Meyers was pretty funny. Videos below.



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  • InsanelyApple
    Mar 13, 01:05 PM
    My Verizon iPhone isn't experiencing this.

    Mar 13, 10:06 AM
    Mine went an hour backwards last night, but it has corrected itself this morning. Strange...:confused:

    Mar 15, 08:10 PM
    WTF? :confused:

    That's it folks, surely the end is upon us for skunk is lost for words.

    Mar 30, 04:17 PM
    There were about 20 people in line at the Southlake Apple Store this morning at 7am. Manager came out at 8am with cards for available iPads and there were plenty for everyone and some to boot. I wanted the black 32gb, but was forced to go white 32gb when they ran out of that one popular configuration. After 3 months missing my lost iPad, I'm back in business. Oh how I've missed this thing!

    Apr 14, 05:10 PM
    Balmer soon to follow as chief of iPhone and iPad development.

    Jun 20, 12:51 PM
    The seldom used optical drive is on the back. All the useful stuff is on the front. :D

    +1 That is is kind of "Think Different" Apple should be encouraging!

    Is Apple thinking that SD cards are going to become the new "floppies"?

    Many people who exchange files by 'sneaker net' use CDs, but don't need the capacity of a CD. Plus while rewriteable CDs exist, they are pricey and most people don't use them. Most files are exchanged a barely used CD that then gets shelved and collects dust.

    Imagine if people started exchanging SD cards. .....

    If Apple can create enough demand for cards, then economies of scale will bring prices down as they become a standard commodity.

    As others have mentioned the bigger capacity ones would have all sorts of uses besides the exchange of files. Wow.


    I was just having an "idle speculation moment" when the I wrote this. But since several people took the time to respond....

    Re-writable optical media was only useful when the price of non-rewritable media was still non-trivial. When the cost of an optical disc is $0.10 in bulk at retail, people stopped caring considering how long it took to "erase" the disc for re-use. ...

    Apple is moving towards being a "greener" company. All those nearly blank discs are becoming garbage. Apple may be thinking of pushing people to using a reusable media. Plus.... writing to a CD is not 'minimalist'. Apple makes it easy, but there are several steps involved, and it is not as easy as just dragging and dropping files to another "drive".

    ? Most people use thumb drives not CD Roms. ...

    Yes, except that I usually want my thumb drive back because the cost is not trivial. I did a little research, and the cost per GB of thumb drives vs SD cards in the lower capacity format is slightly higher for thumb drives. I would assume that is because a thumb drive is more substantial (metal plug, metal casing, constructed to stand up to some abuse.) The SD cards I could examine were less substantial. If a factory started churning out 1GB to 4GB SD cards, I think you could bring the cost way down.

    No. Apple has an application called Aperture. Many DSLR cameras for professional users (for example the press) use SD cards to save the picture data. HD camcorders use also SD cards to save the video data.

    Personally, I use Lightroom myself, since it ties into Photoshop so well, and yes - as a professional photographer I have come across the occasional shooter who uses SD cards as well :rolleyes: (he says tongue in cheek) :).

    I was more thinking along the lines of why Apple is suddenly putting SD card readers into several models. They are usually driving new technologies (or ignoring them), not catching up. SD cards have been around for a while now. Why is Apple choosing now to start adding SD card readers. And, in the case of the Mini - on the back. Professional users are not going to use the SD card reader on the back of the Mini (for the most part), they are going to buy a USB SD card reader so that they can use their cards efficiently. At professional rates, saving a minute a card to feed the reader and unload will pay for the USB reader in about a day.

    ... The reasons why most people do not use [SD cards] for the data exchange are that USB flash drives are much cheaper, more robust and nearly every computer has a USB port.

    I don't think USB drives are necessarily cheaper in the small sizes, I did some price shopping - see above for why I think this is so. I agree that every computer has computer a USB port. But that has not stopped Apple before. One of the really big reasons why every computer has a USB port now is that when every computer had a floppy drive, Apple decided it was an old technology and did away with it - before there was an established alternative. USB drives and CD writers picked up the slack, in time.

    I'm just wondering *why* Apple is choosing this time to introduce built in SD card readers.

    The big flaw to my thinking (besides the fact that there is no compelling reason for it ;) ) is that the Mini puts the SD card reader on the back. That is not user friendly. If you are using an Apple keyboard, you can plug your thumb drives into the very accessible USB ports on the keyboard. Or if you are using the Apple displays, you can use those not quite so convenient USB ports. (Apple may say that you can use your Mini with any keyboard and monitor, but obviously they want you to use their own).

    If Apple wanted to make life easy for photographers the SD card reader would have been on the side (front actually, but there was no way Apple was going to clutter up the front) or..... put it into the keyboard in place of a USB port.

    So this is just speculation. Think about where Apple may be taking this in the next few months. Can an SDXC card slot be used like an ExpressCard/34 slot?
