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  • NewGenAdam
    Apr 12, 02:30 PM
    I think what the OP really means to talk about is discrimination, not racism.

    yeah - to clarify, I mean racism in practice should be illegal. Holding racist views, however distasteful, should be legal as we should be free to hold our own opinions as long as we don't harm others by them.

    It is the distinction between prejudice and discrimination.

    I am not racist in mind or practice, for the record, and personally argue against anybody who is either!

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  • tcreasy
    Apr 25, 02:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Apple Bitch? Really? Lovely name.

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  • 10 Bollywood Actresses Without

  • MacSimoPark
    Jan 7, 04:58 AM
    Has anyone else found that after installing this their iPhone battery can not get enough charge to turn on? I'm popping into  Regent Street this afternoon, but it would be useful to know if anyone else has had the same problem.

    Tried a hard reset, and it's not Jailbroken or Pwned or anything.

    UPDATE: iPhone is working again. Multiple hard resets, removing sim, unplugging seemed to do the trick.

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  • kdarling
    Feb 25, 01:28 AM
    Throughout the attempts to lay blame on parents, there is a bogus assumption that the 15 minute password time extension is obvious and/or that parental restriction ability is known or easy to use.

    Millions of people buy the iPhone because it's supposed to be "intuitive" and NOT require reading a manual or spending time researching every Settings menu. (Just look at all the fanboys claiming Android is "harder" because it has more options.)

    Not only are in-app restrictions buried in Settings where it's not quick to get to, but worse: in typical Apple iOS fashion there's no way to set a purchase option per app... it's only a global setting.

    Since Apple is quick to refund such mistaken in-app purchases, even they have tacitly acknowledged that there is a problem.

    So it's likely that a change will be made. If you were an Apple developer given the task to fix the problem, what would you do?


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  • kareena kapoor without makeup.

  • retroneo
    Nov 6, 03:25 AM
    I like the MasterCard� PayPass� idea but you still need to take out a card and deal with your wallet

    PayPass is an implementation of NFC. You don't need to take it out of your wallet.

    In fact I have four NFC cards in my wallet and the all work without taking them out. The reader seems to know which one to use (transport, car sharing, door access and paypass)

    NFC is ISO 14443

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  • Kareena Kapoor Without Makeup.

  • 153957
    Sep 1, 09:07 AM
    Apple has a history of that... making their OS'es run faster than the previous one on the same hardware. At least that's what my experience has been with Panther, Tiger and Leopard preview.

    Or they make the first releases fast, and then with each minor upgrade slow the system down a tiny bit and then when the next major one comes around everything seems faster the before..

    or it might have to do with system caches and other things that are not yet bogged down because of extensive usage..


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  • Kareena Kapoor and Karishma

  • joepunk
    May 3, 10:16 AM
    Let me just say, that as complacent as Canadian's appear, **** with our Universal Health Care, and there will be rioting (Edit: tasteful demonstrations) in the streets.

    The Provincial government has made quite enough cut-backs, TYVM.

    Fueled by Poutine, right? :p

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  • Yana also uses no soaps,

  • PBF
    May 3, 06:33 PM
    Received one today too. Gotta love Apple's timeliness. :rolleyes:


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  • blackpond
    Apr 5, 09:45 AM
    It is what I've been saying here for the last year. MR readers are not the target audience for the iPad, and that is why they have been so consistently wrong on the iPad's prospects until market data proves them wrong. We are NOT normal -- we like to hang out on a tech rumor site :)

    The rest of the world gets the iPad and loves it.

    I hang out on MR a lot. And a lot of other tech blogs as well. And I love my iPad 2.

    Crap... I'm certainly not normal but I love iPad 2. What am I?

    The iPad has broad appeal and I'm willing to bet at least a few people in that room love the iPad and didn't agree with Wozniak when he made the comment.

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  • kareena kapoor without makeup. files Kareena; files Kareena. ezekielrage_99. Sep 13, 08:14 AM. Do you really need that amount of power?

  • Richard Flynn
    Sep 20, 06:36 AM
    I'm in the same boat. It beeps, I see the update bar but the DVD drive pops open and then shuts -- then normal boot. Ugh!

    I'm having the exact same problem, and am on the phone to AppleCare in the UK about it at the moment. The support representative evidently hasn't come across this before (he didn't really seem to have a complete awareness of the updated firmware) so it would seem they haven't been inundated with frantic MacPro users unable to update their firmware.

    I tried unplugging everything but the display, keyboard and mouse but that didn't work.

    I'm not on my 38th minute (most of them have been on hold) on the call. I'm very grateful for http://www.saynoto0870.com so I didn't have to dial the prohibitive 0870 number. So far I've trashed and redownloaded and reinstalled the update (same problem, optical drive opens when update begins, closes again and machine reboots normally without updating firmware). Now we're just investigating whether doing an original firmware CD reinstall will have any effect. My technician seems to be communicating with someone in the know elsewhere at Apple by IM...


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  • tknelson
    Nov 10, 06:03 AM
    I envision a market for some sort of faraday cage in an iPhone carrying case though grounding it maybe a challenge.

    After-seller small business opportunity, become a chip remover or disabler perhaps.

    1) A Faraday cage doesn't need to be grounded to work.
    2) A "Faraday case" is a dumb idea. How would you receive calls?
    3) The paranoid posts in the thread are stupid to the point of hilarity. Go live in an igloo somewhere, OK?

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  • B2k1977
    Jan 8, 03:05 PM
    agreed. i wish there was a way to do this automatically.

    anyone know an app?



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  • mcrain
    Apr 4, 11:12 AM
    Where did itcheroni mention Republicans or Democrats or (your personal favorite) George Bush? Best I can tell, he/she is talking calmly, non-partisanly about (1) whether the article's conclusion is proper in light of other, relevant economic factors, and (2) how income tax affects his/her decision on where to reside.

    Mcrain, I honestly am starting to think you awaken two or three times every night, screaming, "GOP!!! Bush!!! Ahhh!!!"

    How can you discuss tax rates and NOT acknowledge that the rates we have today are the rates that include the Bush tax cuts? How can you discuss deficits and spending when there were surplusses when Clinton left office and he had higher tax rates and spending than Bush? If you ignore history, you are doomed to repeat it. Right?

    It isn't a matter of spite, it's merely a matter of looking at what works and what doesn't, and cutting taxes does not, in and of itself work. Reasonable spending that targets necessary services, along with reasonably higher tax rates, has worked in the past. The current political climate has us arguing about cutting spending and cutting services and cutting taxes. It's bizarroland. We are undoing decades of progress so that we can push an economic model that has never worked in the past.

    It's not Republican vs. Democrat, it's what hasn't worked vs. what has worked. The only reason to continually repeat who is responsible or who is pushing a proposal is to make certain that people don't fall for the economic conservative language being used by the people who are anything but being conservative.

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  • Kareena Kapoor

  • krnboy503
    Apr 12, 04:46 PM
    I think the survey people were drunk and were confused lol

    Clearly, AT&T 3G models are selling like hot cakes while Verizon models are in stock wherever i go lol


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  • joepunk
    Apr 9, 10:17 PM
    Other organizations do that stuff also. The majority of Planned Parenthood's business is abortions.

    PS don't Planned Parenthood's origins

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  • donlphi
    Nov 14, 11:10 AM
    I guess this means no TRUE VIDEO iPOD before Christmas. That is a let down.


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  • JeffDM
    Sep 27, 09:51 PM
    If LEOPARD doesnt arrive until spring...

    They certainly didn't promise it for the fall. They left quite a window, didn't they say 1H07? Let them get it right with good testing. With earlier Tiger revisions, I just went back to 10.3 until they had enough things working right. This will also be the longest time between major revisions, so that's probably going to mean more minor revisions.

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  • kareena kapoor without makeup

  • JAT
    Apr 14, 11:44 PM
    I first saw this story around 7 hours ago. Since then I've still not come up with an opinion.

    It's really hard to get me to not have an opinion, so congrats to MR for the most bland story of 2011 to date!!

    I must say though, "bored college student" and "immature kid" may be equivalents in the mind of some people. For instance, anyone over 30.

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  • cmaier
    Mar 25, 03:02 PM
    In related news, Nokia has a problem:


    Nov 6, 01:44 AM
    No spy chips, thank you.


    So you believe that by Apple putting an RFID tag reader in the next generation iPhone it will help enable the US government to spy on you?

    According to those scary sites you posted, they're already doing this with ease. Basically, if the US government wants to spy on you, it probably can. The only way to stop it would be to move out to the middle of nowhere: http://www.theonion.com/content/video/google_opt_out_feature_lets_users

    May 4, 09:45 AM
    Yes this is partially the reason. The other reason is that Apple refuses to even allow the option of current generation video cards in their products. Even when they upgrade they are often not top of the line. The best card on the imac you can get is capped at 512MB which was starting to be a small amount of video memory even back in 2006. I think a current generation gpu should at least be offered as an option.

    Yes Windows has had "minimize" too for many many years. Just press Alt-Tab, this is not exclusive to OS-X.Not minimize, but rezize on the fly. However, i'm not to sure about the graphics card argument, because, like you said, the game runs better on the same mac, just in windows, which I have also noticed, but I still prefer to run SC 2 in OS X.

    Sep 26, 01:53 AM
    The only thing that I'm skeptical about this whole thing is that the actual cease and desist letter has not been published. All we have are a few people claiming that Apple has slapped them with a letter and the "poor us" act. Once I see the letter I'll be more apt to believe these claims, until then I think that they are just trying to drum up hits on their sites...


    Mar 28, 11:43 AM
    So Lion won't debut on WWDC? Just preview? :confused:


    No OSX has ever been released at a WWDC - only announced / previewed.

    Mar 25, 06:20 AM
    I haven't been able to find a SINGLE store that has the 16GB model. I've searched everywhere throughout the city and east bay. Anyways, all I've called have said the iPads are $299/$399/$499 with no contract.

    Any 32GB left? If so where? At YYZ waiting to board my flight to SFO :)