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  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 24, 07:43 PM
    Im so getting there at 3 and queuing, I don't care that much for free stuff (pfft :P) I just dont want to be in the queue until 7-8pm until I actually get in the store.

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  • darwen
    Oct 26, 05:38 PM
    Why such a negative response? The software out there sucks... more competition means more quality. Sound design needs some major upgrades. It needs to more innovate.

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  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 01:57 AM
    Originally posted by scem0
    As soon as athere is a PC that is 3.5x more mehahertz then the most current powermac, then I am switching, even if it is in the 'wrong direction', yeah OS X is a great OS but if I cant afford the already slow-compared-to-PCs hardware to back it up, why get a mac at all. I can live with Windoze, and hope that it gets some major revisions, as long as my computer, that costs a lot less then a mac, runs faster then a mac. My rant is over. This basically sums up what I want to say:

    If apple doesnt release a hell of a good computer this Jan then I have got to say bye bye to my whole pro-mac life style, and go out and buy a faster, cheaper machine. A great OS and iApps wont make up for speed, no matter how cool they are.

    Not truly cheaper. Not truly faster.

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  • DeaconGraves
    Mar 15, 11:50 AM
    Was at Knox Street at opening and they said that there would be no iPads for sale today.

    Also went by the AT&T Store on Oak Lawn yesterday. They said they weren't expecting iPads for another few weeks.


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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 29, 12:57 PM
    Incorrect assumption - as a result,

    ...your math is wrong.

    60 psi is 60 psi, period. If the tire pressure in the truck is 60 psi, then the pressure on the road is 60 psi. You can't double the tire pressure and triple the pressure on the road as a result - you'd have a truck that either bounced, or sank. Newton's laws (net vertical force = 0 for no acceleration in the vertical direction) have to be met.

    It doesn't matter if my math is wrong or my assumption about surface area is wrong. The simple fact remains that the tractor trailer has 14.666 times the weight of the car but only 4.5 times the number of tires of the car. Even if that means that factor of 3.25 is completely compensated by the tire in a ratio of 60/35, you're still applying roughly double the pressure over an area 3.25 times greater, 4.5 times as often.

    (regarding PSI, while I think your assumption probably roughly holds, we also have to take into account the fact that as these tires have a different composition, they are also going to dissipate weight differently. Tractor trailer tires are not only larger, but they are also thicker. That means that there is more rubber in each tire to distribute force from the truck to the road. i.e. its tendency to deform as a result of weight applied is what affects its PSI. Consider an extreme example: A fictional monster truck tire almost completely rubber with a very small chamber inside the tire. If it is sufficiently small, you could even create a vacuum inside this chamber, and the structure of the tire could still handle the stress. So, regardless of the amount of fictional weight you placed on the tire, that chamber would still have a PSI of 0 because there's no actual gas to be pressurized. Thus, if the tractor trailer tire has more structural rigidity, a higher portion of its weight is directly applied to the road via the resistance of the tire to deformation from pressure.)

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  • kiljoy616
    Feb 25, 04:00 AM

    This is VERY SIMPLE people! The person with the iTunes account simply needs to SIGN OUT BEFORE handing the device to the child!!

    People in this country just don't want to take responsibility for their ignorance! And common sense seems to have gone away at the rapid pace of lawsuits over anything and everything over the last couple decades or so. ...maybe they did this on purpose because they thought they could sue Apple and get big $$$.

    What the H*ll you want people to be responsible and think, now dare you sir, this is a country build on dumb and dumber if you just read the news. Yes i was been sarcastic. :D

    But serious I know enough people to know todays average parent does not even know what the kids grades are less how to manage something as sophisticated as a Ipod Itouch. :o

    I mean that thing is like brain surgery, in no way should they have to look at the setting and see what is possible, or even call up the browser and do a search. pfft how dare you ask so much ;)


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  • kingkongrope
    Apr 7, 06:54 AM
    Lol jail 'brake'.

    Dude seriously? Why don't you google it or search on YouTube will get you instant results. Also this is the iPad hacks forum not iPod.
    I did but I've read some story's where it as gone wrong for people
    So don't want to use the wrong guide.

    That's why I posted this
    I've just seen I've posted this in Ipad :O
    Could some one move it to the right ipod bit thanks

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  • kirky29
    Mar 28, 08:17 AM
    Looking forward to it! :)


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  • maclaptop
    May 2, 04:57 PM
    Consequently, the difference may be an issue of quality control with some phones exhibiting the difference while others do not, rather than an intentional design change to specify the thicker profile.

    I can most definitely believe this.

    I've personally witnessed the rather dramatic decline in Apple quality control over the last year.

    It's unlike ever before and very discouraging.

    Although I'm the first to admit Apple is excellent about replacing defective units, one would think it would save them money to build them right the first time.

    An approach like that would save the customer the time and trouble of having to return, return, return as I went through with FOUR BTO MBP's where each of the faults were confirmed as significant by the Genius at my local Apple store.

    Lucky for me, I have an Apple Store just three miles from my house.

    I would hate to think of the poor souls that have to drive a long ways to visit one.

    Apple is an excellent company, there is no excuse for letting product quality slip down to Dell Levels.

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  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 07:13 PM
    work group manager and x-grid manager


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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 12, 12:59 PM
    Affirmative action has it's pitfalls. You should ask such organizations why they feel the need to segregate themselves along racial lines. Let's hope the day comes when such institutions are discarded.

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  • Eraserhead
    Jun 1, 05:07 AM
    I wasn't thinking of putting every article into a new structure, just say the Mac articles into the "Hardware" and "Mac Hardware" categories to see which works best.

    Then any arguments on the specific structure of those can be done and the final model can be copied to the other articles, with minor changes as required.


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  • Sutekidane
    Oct 10, 09:03 AM
    I wish they would concentrate on fixing the flickering display issues...

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  • Michael CM1
    Jun 26, 09:06 PM
    I'm kinda glad I waited on this, but maybe not. The trial versions of games online is almost worth the price. I don't know a good place nearby to rent games, and I'm not doing that Gamefly or whatever thing for $8 a month because I wouldn't rent THAT many. Those demos make it easier to commit to a game.

    I just bought Star Wars: TFU today used. I got the Sith edition after the guy at the store explained it to me. You save $5 overall ($40 versus $15 for original and $30 for addons) and I don't have to clutter HD space that I may need later.

    The Magic game I bought from the online store is awesome. There look to be a lot of other good online games as well. I do wish I didn't have to run a network cable across my floor, but I saved $150 doing that. I can find rug and cover that thing up if needed.

    So awesome recommendation. The PS3 might be nice, but I love this thing so far.


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  • Dorkington
    Apr 25, 09:19 AM
    Clever ;)

    Although I'm personally not a fan of using URL shorteners on forums where there's no character limit, I like seeing what website I'm about to go to, especially since I browse MR while at work. I don't want to click on a bit.ly link that takes me to supersexynakedbabeswithbigtits.com ;)

    Oh, I agree.

    In fact, my original "correction" was to use (url=Name of Link)http://whatever(/url), but apparently that code doesn't work on MR, and the filters still attacked the url. Odd. (Parenthesis for brackets, of course)

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  • Love Quotes For Broken Hearts. Broken Hearts Hurt Valentines; Broken Hearts Hurt Valentines. charliex5. Apr 23, 01:51 PM

  • ejfontenot
    Mar 9, 02:57 PM
    Stonebriar is on my way home. I work on Preston, live off Preston. See the SB folks about 415!


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  • acarhart
    Sep 20, 06:36 AM
    My Mac Pro was having trouble finding my Mac OS X startup partition. I had to hold down the option key each time to select the startup disk. (I'm not using Boot Camp.)

    Neither update showed up in Software Update, so I downloaded them both from Apple's website.

    The EFI firmware update installed fine (on the second try), and now my computer boots up properly. So I can confirm that this update fixes problems that aren't related to Boot Camp.

    The SMC firmware was already up-to-date on my Mac Pro (ordered last week).

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  • Icculus
    Mar 11, 08:00 AM
    There is a line already (7 people) at Stonebriar in Frisco. 7:25am

    Follow my twitter @dpedini for pictures and updates so far everyone in line is a 64gb 3G black


    Thank you so much for tweeting updates for stonebriar! You are AWESOME!

    quotes about broken hearts. Sad Quotes About Broken
  • Sad Quotes About Broken

  • Bennieboy�
    Apr 24, 01:36 PM
    here are your stats Dukebound Click (http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=511029)

    Oct 26, 12:30 PM
    Just got my family pack plus t-shirt from Regent Street. I got in the queue at 4.40.

    Nov 2, 12:05 PM
    I don't see Apple getting more than 10% marketshare anytime soon unless they do something significant.

    If they have the richest 10% than that's important as they probably buy 50% of software, to Apple $499 machines don't matter as the users are (generally) ignorant (as they don't want to spend a lot on a computer so generally don't care about them) and are therefore more likely to get Spyware/Viruses, they also don't buy any software (except possibly Office), Apple *wants* those users on Windows.

    Also their laptop share is already 12% in the US, with more stores that could grow to about 20% easily.

    Apr 25, 11:53 AM
    I'd like this:
    ... in an MBA form factor.

    Yes I agree, because having that function in a MBP like in that video raises the question if its worth sacrificing the portability of the air for.

    Sherman Homan
    Oct 27, 07:54 AM
    The .mac account is a bit expensive and iDisk is just annoyingly slooooow.
    However, it does work and my home Mac and my road warrior laptop stay right in sync with each other.
    The original start of the is thread was about transferring four gigs of data. I love iChat for that and all of its other features. It seems that Apple is going to build a whole new world around iChat in Leopard. I look forward to it!

    Nov 14, 09:21 AM
    Since this is Zune launch day:

    Seeing as apple now has a majority of auto makers making connectivity and now the airline industry is getting on board, this is a major blow to the Zune. Neither cars nor airplanes will come with every connection possible so that any media player can be used. This is a great step for apple and potential apple customers.

    How about a built-in mag safe connector for the airplanes too? :)

    Exactly! How many airlines are going to pony up $X-million to outfit their fleet with the newest proprietary media plug-in? Zilch. They're going to say to M$ and the rest, "Sorry, we just spent our pilots' pensions on ipod connectivity, come back in 3 years and we'll see what we can do..." :D