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  • -SD-
    Jul 20, 02:56 PM
    Ok, so it's not white then....

    The 4GB Arcade S has been confirmed ( Matte black finish without silver trim.


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  • Fubar1977
    Feb 19, 06:23 AM
    Yeah, Larry sounds like he`d actually be a fun dinner guest.

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  • Ugg
    Mar 26, 03:32 PM
    A gas tax is the way to go for most of the country, but I do believe that in some urban areas, a mileage tax may work. London's congestion charge was effective in reducing gridlock there.

    Insurance rates based on mileage driven are also gaining traction.

    One thing is for sure, the highway lobby is spending way more money than is available from gas taxes. It's time to rein them in. Most importantly, it's time to stop allowing housing developments to spring up without transit links.

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  • D-Love
    Feb 18, 11:23 AM
    That "picture" of Jobs at the cancer center is clearly not Steve Jobs. Its so obvious that isn't Jobs that its not even funny. Even though the picture is from behind, Jobs looks like he's quite fine at that table.

    Why am I not surprised he's the one sitting right next to President Obama? LOL


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  • kgtenacious
    Apr 27, 12:40 AM
    Lemme' guess - it's going to be distributed through the app store, and everytime there is an update, you have to download an 8 GB install program for each update, ala XCode 4 :mad:

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  • justflie
    Oct 26, 09:22 PM
    Awesome, I love it! I want to sign up for .Mac so bad, but I can't justify it being worth $99 per year. I would gladly pay $49 per year, especially since I would use iWeb, Photocasting, and all the other good stuff.
    just buy it off ebay. I bought mine for maybe $60 including shipping but I was impatient; if you hunt around long enough, you can get it for even less!


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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 7, 04:35 PM
    The Tea Party is the most fascist and dangerous of people on this face of the Earth.. They alone will bring disaster and turmoil to the people of this country. Its bad enough that the conditions of the job market, and economy as a whole are worse off than ever before(Gas rising, food prices going up).. These morons deserve to be put up a wall and shot at.

    I thought you felt this way about the Jews... So, who's worse? The tea baggers or the christ killers?

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  • shawnce
    Nov 21, 05:17 PM
    I haven't read the whole article yet, but from the sounds of it, it seems as though a laptop can be charged without plugging in it. That is the processor that converts heart to electricity could either charge the battery or provide it's own power to the laptop. That would extend battery life, not sure by how much, but if it is a decent amount, this technology would be great for laptops.

    Then again there's the heat issue. While the heat will provide electricity, your going to have to have a decent cooling system, which hopefully wouldn't suck to much power. Or maybe the converted power can be used only for the cooling system leaving the rest for the battery, thus conserving power anyways....just thinking aloud here though. :)

    It needs a heat differential to generate electricity... that has to come from some place... when the company talks about it being used as power source for running the laptop it requires the use of a small heat source (microburner) that burns a combustible and portable fuel source (ethanol, propane, etc.). This is a feasible product.

    In the case of using waste heat given off by the CPU it remains to be seen just how much energy they can recover...


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  • BeSweeet
    Apr 12, 02:56 PM
    No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.

    That's Apple for ya!

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  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 07:38 PM


    I guess I might as well upload the few photos I managed to take. :)

    They're hardly the best photos but they're all I managed to shoot on my rubbish phone camera.


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  • Jako7286
    May 2, 04:04 PM
    thicker thinner, is it really worth front page news? let us have news of obama bin ladens death!

    Um... This is MacRumors. So... front page news = new news and... yes?

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  • CrackedButter
    Nov 14, 09:09 AM
    Just shows Apple is thinking where others do not. Apple are providing or creating outlets for their devices while other companies just produce mp3 players.


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  • Ace Pumpkin
    Aug 14, 10:03 AM
    Sheesh, these computer geeks never heard of acting? My friend knows an actor in a herpes drug commercial who doesn't have herpes but says he does in the ad (how awkward would that be!).

    As nearly all of you know, Justin Long isn't responsible for what he says in the ad. C'mon, think about it, is he really a Mac computer? OK, I will admit that John Hodgman, the fellow playing the PC, said that he was a computer on The Daily Show....

    Anyway, Long will do fine with his movie career, no doubt.

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  • black743
    Mar 13, 06:41 PM
    A few minutes before 2am, my Verizon iPhone jumped from 1:57 to 12:57. That lasted for a couple minutes, then it jumped to 3am.


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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 3, 08:58 AM
    I agree Finder is slower than a snail. Many Mac fans live in denial about the s-l--o--w f----i-----n-------d--------e----r but it is a joke compared to XP. I love OS X and it would be easy to impress others with it's elegance if it weren't for the S-L--O---W F----I-----N------D-------E--------R.

    Great! The pop-up menu on my documents folder in the dock just opened. Bye Bye.

    Sorry, you don't use XP and OS X, then...XP is much slower and a simple piece of crap in regards to multitasking and multithreading...OS X is MUCH faster at that, and can deal with multiple windows, eye candy and different tasks WAAAAAAAAAY better than XP...and yes, I use both (XP for work, OS X at home).

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  • linsam
    Jan 6, 11:12 PM
    No Sound For Me Either. I Suspect An Update To Come Real Soon.


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  • k995
    Mar 24, 02:55 AM
    Good its time apple started leaving its walled garden.

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  • cgc
    Sep 27, 12:23 PM
    No, no, no! Don't you know, after 10.4.9 Apple has run out of numbers! It'd have to be 10.5.0!


    Couldn't resist...sorry!

    No, not THIS discussion AGAIN. This got a lot of talk at 10.3.9...

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  • mrapplegate
    May 2, 07:52 PM
    Image (

    I swear this was a few days ago...

    Apple, please stop sending me these now, this is the 7th one I've had since the first. :/

    Thanks for posting it :D

    Oct 26, 05:08 PM
    i'm pretty sure that adobe has said that CS3 will be universal, so you guys need to calm down. i highly doubt it will be intel only. as for the performance on intel macs of cs2, its kinda sluggish. it takes forever to launch. its pretty rough.

    Apr 17, 01:52 AM
    But seriously, if I were him, I'd just say "Screw off Apple, you didn't care about me until I was famous!"

    I could not agree with you more!

    My current iPhone is my last! I disgusted with Apple's monopolist stranglehold on the product and apps. They have become total control freaks.

    When this phone dies, it will NOT be replaced with another Apple product.

    Sep 21, 11:21 PM
    Correct me if I'm wrong...but, did any of you notice on that site that they gave an A+ rating to the Celeron machine and D & C's to the top 8 in the list? If you click on the colored bar for each system then scroll down the page there is a chart to explain the rating. It's a joke. I wouldn't depend on this site at all.

    Jun 20, 05:43 AM
    No. Apple has an application called Aperture. Many DSLR cameras for professional users (for example the press) use SD cards to save the picture data. HD camcorders use also SD cards to save the video data.

    You obviously do not know the SD card market. Cheap and fast SD cards with a capacity of 1 GB (a CD holds 0.7 GB or 700 MB) are now available for 3 to 5 years. The reasons why most people do not use these for the data exchange are that USB flash drives are much cheaper, more robust and nearly every computer has a USB port.

    Ah, so that makes sense. Since macs are used extensively by video/audio people, it would make sense that apple would provide support for this new tech, even though it hasn't been thoroughly tested yet. Apple often waits till technology's tested before it makes the leap, unless it's really sure it's a good idea (USB).

    Sep 26, 09:45 AM
    Apple needs to be very vigorous in defending the iPod TM. Not sure if anyone else caught it but with the updated iPod line CNN ran a story. In it the woman stated that Apple currently controls "70% of the iPod market." Unless the rebranded HP models are selling like hotcakes sounds like a generic use of the term to me.