kate middleton pippa middleton_03

kate middleton pippa middleton_03. kate middleton mom kate
  • kate middleton mom kate

  • guzhogi
    Nov 2, 10:20 AM
    i dont know anybody who is upgrading !

    in fact they all wait for the universal binaries

    It's a chicken & the egg problem: no one will by intel macs until universal binaries come out and universal binaries won't come out until more people have intel macs. However, I think I'll upgrade to either a Mac Pro or MacBook Pro after Apple releases Leopard since I don't really use anything that needs to be a universal binary. Maybe xCode, but that's already universal. Anything else, I don't mind running under Rosetta.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. kate middleton gloves kate
  • kate middleton gloves kate

  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 25, 11:35 AM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    Or they're making more :rolleyes:

    Can't wait to see Aperture running on a Macbook. Though I'll definitely go into the Regent St Apple Store to see it running before buying it just incase Apple is being a bit optimistic when it says it 'runs' on a Macbook. It barely run on the Mac Pro I was playing around with at the Store today.

    Anyone know when the stores update their software? Is it done straight away?

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. gave kate middleton
  • gave kate middleton

  • bobber205
    Apr 7, 10:19 PM
    Or just, uh.... not smart?

    Trying to kill planned parenthood = less birth control available = more abortions.

    That's just common sense. I know they're all about abstinence being the best option but come on!

    It's not the only option. Jees. :rolleyes:

    How dumb can a party/movement be? Are they just refusing to think more than the one superficially thin layer of preventing Planned Parenthood providing abortions? Is that what they think PP just does?

    I'm so confused.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. kate middleton hair up kate
  • kate middleton hair up kate

  • mrcammy
    Nov 12, 10:33 AM
    In any language, it ain't funny...


    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. kate middleton dress sold kate
  • kate middleton dress sold kate

  • JAT
    Apr 5, 10:09 AM
    Thank you so much for that interesting and insightful comment. You really added to the discussion.

    I can help. You weren't sure if posting copyrighted information here is "allowed". It is illegal in most countries, certainly in the USA, where both MR and CR are located. So, no....not allowed, either.

    And to explain cvaldes comment...If you are going to be posting information on the net, you maybe should look up and know a few laws about such things.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Middleton Family via AP
  • Middleton Family via AP

  • 100Teraflops
    Mar 22, 03:43 AM
    Great thread for all of us green thumbs out there! Of all the specialized forums I have belonged to, none of the folks are as helpful as the photographers. IMHO

    For me, photography is a passion for the moment. Maybe one captures a piece of time whether it is for a second or a century. Sometimes I know what I want to capture, but other times I just take pictures in the spur of the moment. An example: lets say you are walking with or without you significant other and it is during the winter. You approach a house with a snowman in the front yard and you think, wow that snowman is cool and it brings back memories, so I had better take a photo to recapture an image from the past. Although, one can look to the future too! This is the beauty of photography! There are no rules, limits, or boundaries, hence zero gravity! :)


    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. feels for Kate Middleton
  • feels for Kate Middleton

  • Mistrblank
    Apr 5, 10:43 AM
    You all keep saying "they'll never do home button as capacitive because you could accidently rub it and tear you out of your movie/browsing/app/etc".

    What if it responded to the accelerometer as well? The latest gem is in Garageband which can register a soft touch to hard tap for instruments through the accelerometer. Honestly I wouldn't mind have a home button that was gesture responsive too. Start with your thumb on the home button, swipe up, right or left for functionality. Or perhaps the home button only responds when you swipe onto it.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. kate middleton hair.
  • kate middleton hair.

  • Lacero
    Sep 17, 12:18 PM
    Trying to, and successfully making eye contact on the 2nd and 3rd visit would have freaked me out. And I'm a guy! Making eye contact after having purchased something probably would have been the more appropriate action to take. Ah well...

    A gorgeous girl like gets hit on constantly. She's developed a few skills to deal with it.

    The worse I've had was when I asked a girl (similar to your situation) for her number and she said, "What for?" LOL. :o


    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Kate Middleton Gallery
  • Kate Middleton Gallery

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 07:24 AM
    Funny how history repeats itself (or better the comments on current events) ... those are the same arguments that I heard when computer manufactures started to get rid of the Floppy drive: but CDs are so much more expensive, I can't get everything on CD, people don't know how to handle them, ....

    Uh ? CDs were cheaper than floppies to mass produce and had been for quite in the 90s (remember, pressed vs burned) and 2, I was booting OS images and bootloaders from them way before the floppy drive even disappeared from Macs.

    What are you even ranting about here ? This isn't history repeating itself at all in my case. If you have a blank Mac because of a problem or HD upgrade, a network install image being sold outside the Mac App Store makes a lot more sense than Mac App Store distribution. OSes shouldn't be distributed in a store that requires an OS installation to even work.

    Chicken and egg problem right there. And a pure network install without media should be possible, Linux distributions have had that option forever. Welcome to the 90s or something. Again, all we need is a simple bootable image that we can put on a USB drive. Make an app to automate the creation of the USB thumb drive and it becomes completely user proof.

    And seriously, the guy arguing normal people who have problems doing it this way ? News flash, people that aren't computer savvy don't tend to upgrade their OS beyond patches.

    The difference is that the DVD drive is a relict from the last century. No need to put this big mechanical noisy space wasting thing in any new machine. The USB stick is for those who can't download for whatever reason. I have not used the DVD drive in years - still all my machines have this thing in it. I dare to say that the majority of users don't need a DVD drive - and for those that need one, they should have the option to get an optional one on new machines, but no need to have it by default in every new machine.

    That's the point. You say it yourself, your machines still have DVD drives. What's the point of going to the more expensive USB drive option ? Again : CDs were cheaper than floppies to produce and were much quicker to mass produce. Going from optical to Flash memory is the opposite move, it makes the media both more expensive and much more complicated/long to duplicate in mass.

    DVD distribution makes a lot more sense than USB right now in 2011. It will probably be like that for a few years. Admit, all the people clamoring for USB distribution just want a Apple branded USB Thumb drive. As an Air user with such a thumb drive let me tell you this : their design is pure crap and it is not quite as convenient as a real thumb drive. It also tends to get all scratched up when inserting it and removing it because it lacks the proper guides for the USB port.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Kate Middleton Gallery
  • Kate Middleton Gallery

  • Gasu E.
    Sep 26, 10:08 AM
    OI! APPLE LAWERS!!! YEAH YOU!!! Read some Mintzberg, or Mead, or (and I'd strongly advise this) Andrew Bailey. Basically, get those HBS grads out of your org and stop using crappy outdated Business School Methods. It was once the way to go. But what they don't consider are Gender and Cultures! You wanna piss me off: You loose my custom.

    Sorry for the moan, but the litigation era was over in the 90's.

    It's about Love Marks now, and your Lawers are hurting your brand!!! Fix it before it's too late!

    Oh, calm down and read all the links. There's been no litigation. Apple was pretty damn polite in its one cease-and-desist. Under US law, if you don't defend your trademarks you lose them, and the links discussing their trademark applications indicate that Apple may already be in trouble on that score already.

    P.S. I read Mintzberg in business school in 1981. "Gender and Cultures" is a non sequiter right out of a university course catalog. ROFL. YDKWTFYATA.


    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Pippa, 27 showcased an
  • Pippa, 27 showcased an

  • glassbathroom
    Sep 20, 05:17 AM
    Strange question: can you use the Firmware Restoration CD to update your firmware? This disc is designed to fix a bad update from CD, bypassing the hard disk and the RAID array. Seems to me that it should work, in theory.

    Read all about it here (http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/firmwarerestorationcd11.html). New version released today for the latest Mac Pro firmware.

    I tried this with my RAID0 Mac Pro and it doesn't work I am afraid. I can't get it to update when you hold down the power button. I really think that Apple have to address this problem. RAID0 is not going to be very unusual with the new Mac Pros.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Kate Middleton Gets Ready For
  • Kate Middleton Gets Ready For

  • Marconelly
    Apr 22, 11:16 PM
    I agree. The Intel 3000 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. If you want to play games, don't bother with an Air. A computer is a tool. If it can't perform the function that you want it to (aka gaming), then why buy it? It's function over form. Not the other way around.
    ULV Intel 3000, which is the one that would have to go into Air, if it goes at all, is quite a bit weaker than the regular I3000. Also, why wouldn't people bother with MBA if they want to play games? Current MBA is more than fine for playing many games. It has performance that matches or exceeds X360 and PS3 with any multiplatform game I've tried.


    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Kate Middleton chose the same
  • Kate Middleton chose the same

  • Dreadnought
    Jul 21, 11:20 AM
    Get rid of the red background color! A lot of widgets use red, at least the ones I have (same for blue). Use as a background your avatar, that would be cool, with the same red letters of the lines!

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. kate middleton 03 300 Kate
  • kate middleton 03 300 Kate

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 7, 05:13 PM
    Things I have learned from this is Democrats have no balls and really need to grow some..

    GOP as crappy as they are have figured out that they an play hard ball and get what they want with no compromise. Democrates always give. I been saying it for a while Democrats have been needing to dig their heals in.
    honestly i though they should of shut it down in March. Hell Democrats should of passed a budget back in September when they controlled both the House and the Senate.

    This budget crap effects me directly because I want an internship here at NASA and they know they are going to have them. All the budgets have that. Problem is they can not higher and get them until budget is passed. It has been in a holding pattern now for months.

    We need to end this endless holding pattern.


    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. slender Kate Middleton
  • slender Kate Middleton

  • Daveway
    Apr 2, 12:23 PM
    I'm sorry you had problems but Pages is a 1.0 release and you're an early adopter. That can be a hard road if you choose to take it.
    *caugh, caugh* It's 1.0.1. Also, It's not so much that it has bugs are anything, I think it UI is horrible.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Fashion » We are all
  • Fashion » We are all

  • kdarling
    Oct 6, 03:50 PM
    First off Apple isn't even close to first in sales, so your thoughts are based on faulty data.In the US they aren't but in the rest of the world they are.

    Worldwide, 2009:


    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. O make, feito por ela própria:
  • O make, feito por ela própria:

  • jowie
    Apr 20, 07:51 AM
    What's all the talk of an all-white home button in the first video? I've seen it and I can see a square on the button. It looks like the same phone in both videos to me.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. Kate Middleton
  • Kate Middleton

  • aristotle
    Mar 23, 09:20 PM
    Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone. The military does not offer wi-fi to their staff on base. Everything is hard wired and the conduit is sealed with a tamper proof silicon. The Government is very very particular about their SIPRnet (as they call it). Without wi-fi, what use is the iPad for the military other than to give them a little treat and waste our tax dollars? They already have mobile equipment in the vehicles that is far superior to Apple's products.
    Yeah, I'm going to have to call you on this. If you really worked with the navy, you would have been aware of this Terra Soft and Lockheed put xserves in US Subs (http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/83783/Terra_Soft_Lockheed_to_put_Xserves_in_US_Navy_subs) and that the military and intelligence community has a long history with macs and NextStep computers.

    Previous versions of OS X had lockdown instructions written by the NSA for high security clearance environments and the iPhone has been in testing by the Army for some time now. Non-jailbroken iPhones are really hard to crack with the latest firmware through remote exploits.

    kate middleton pippa middleton_03. kate middleton pippa.
  • kate middleton pippa.

  • Applespider
    Oct 26, 05:50 AM
    I will be going to meet up with someone else who I have a b'day present for - and who wants to buy Leopard. But I'm not planning on being there until pretty much 6pm and leaving shortly thereafter to retire to the nearest pub.

    I'm in jeans and a black leather jacket today should anyone pluck up sufficient courage to say hello and fancy a drink

    Apr 21, 02:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    That sounds good enough to me and the millions who will buy it.

    There isn't a single added feature listed there to make it worth the extra ~$100 to get a new iPhone instead of the identical iPhone 4 at discount.

    I currently have a 64GB Touch and I want a 64GB iPhone. I know I'm not the only one who wants/needs one. With the A5 and maybe 1GB of RAM, I know my iPhone won't turn into an iPhone 3G anytime soon. Some people will appreciate 1080p recording and a better camera. That's not to say an iPhone 4 on discount won't make a tempting option to some, but come Sept. there's gonna be a new sheriff in town and the iPhone 4 will just be a deputy taking care of the slack.

    Dec 7, 05:22 PM
    Sad that she died so young. I thought she handled her battle with cancer and her husband's affair with grace and dignity.

    Well said.

    Oct 26, 04:45 PM
    I'm interested in the program, but I can't use it on my Powerbook, uggghhh. Damn you Adobe!

    Apr 19, 10:56 AM
    This is so exciting! I'm not sure if I'm more excited about Detox or the White iPhone! :D

    Sep 20, 12:25 AM
    Those with RAID 0 arrays, how are you finally getting the update to install? Do you have to remove your RAID and install from a "spare" OS X single drive that you just happen to have lying around? :confused: