justin bieber water fight

justin bieber water fight. Justin Bieber is showing his
  • Justin Bieber is showing his

  • MacManiac1224
    Sep 13, 04:23 PM
    Can the G4 beat the Pentium 5? You are probably scratching your heads on this one. Yep, the Pentium 5 is very real, and it is coming soon. 2nd quarter of the Pentium 5 debuting at 3.2GHZ is going to come out. It will have 100 million transistors on it and it will be manufactured at .09 microns. Also, here is the doozy, it will have 1 mb of L2 on die cache, and it will support 333mhz bus speeds, with the addition of DDR, that is a possible 667mhz bus speeds. By the way, if you were wondering, the Pentium 4 has 42 million transistors.

    Now, for the G4: I am not sure how many transistors the G4 has, but I imagine it is way less then 100 million, or even 42 million, considering the P4 came out after the G4. Anyway, the cache on the G4 is higher on the high-end, 2mb of cache. But: the speed: 1.25Ghz? Can that really stand up to a P5 with 333mhz bus, and 3.2Ghz clock speeds? My opinion: most likely not.

    Let's be honest, the P4 basically can beat the G4 in most tasks today, so a new faster version of the P4, the P5 can easily beat the G4, most likely in 95-99% of all tasks.

    Ok, we have established that the G4 is, well, to slow against the P5, even though we don't know about it yet, I imagine it will be. Well, Apple just pulled the plug on OS 9 for January, what could this mean? I am not sure, only Steve knows. But Apple better come out with something that can at least compete with the Pentium 5, and it better come soon. I would not be surprised if Apple comes out with the G5 in January, just to say they were the first to have a generation 5 possessor, but I could be wrong.

    Ok, I made my case, now, what do you guys think? By the way: I got this information about the Pentium 5 from eWeek, so it is reputable.

    justin bieber water fight. justin bieber kissing selena.
  • justin bieber kissing selena.

  • jbembe
    Oct 9, 10:19 PM
    In fact, DVD pricing is not the most important factor for Walmart and I suspect Target as well. Both companies employ sophisticated marketing techniques to draw customers into the store and get them to part with more money than they originally intended to spend. Brand-name promotions, item placements and even Walmart's "don't ask, don't tell" return policies are examples. The use of loss-leaders, selling products at a small loss, has proven to be one of the most powerful customer draws. DVDs are the numero-uno loss leader draw of most Walmarts, particularly those in the broad midsection of the country where it's often difficult to find a video rental store, much less a Tower, Borders or Virgin Atlantic store. I recently spent the summer in the Hill Country of Texas and became quite familiar with the Friday evening surge when customers would stream into a Walmart to pick up a DVD for the weekend and then decide to do a little additional shopping "seein' as they was there." I think the stores are rightfully fearful of the loss in foot traffic and the consequential loss of impulse purchases if movie downloads become popular. For the same reason, simply openning up an online store will not insulate them from losses since the profits accrued from DVD sales don't generally arise from the DVDs themselves, but from the additional shopping that is all but inevitable once you enter the store.

    Yep, it's similar in Best Buy and other places with the weeks newest CD releases. Normally a few CDs are on a really good sale and others are not so competitively priced. Good thing I can control my impulses... for the most part.

    Anyway, unlike my CD collection, I would be quite happy with a terrabyte unit to store all of my movies so I could just scroll through some list on the remote and playback any given movie for the evening-- or download something new. When the iService gives that to us, it will be quite nice.

    justin bieber water fight. Justin Bieber
  • Justin Bieber

  • Tonsko
    Nov 19, 04:27 AM
    Just for those who thing this is a hand-slap kind of thing, I worked on a project where someone leaked an industrial design on a product and the FBI arrested them and they were facing 75 years in federal prison for it. This kind of stuff can get you more years than killing someone.

    Depressing, but prolly true. Corporate muscle and lobbying power to protect their profits is more important than the taking of a life. Topsy-turvy, eh?:p

    justin bieber water fight. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • iMacZealot
    Oct 16, 06:30 PM
    ^ Yeah, how about voicemail? If its that important they'll leave a message. Shoot sometimes I even turn off my cell *GASP!* Dude, you need to go camping once in a while and get away from the world.

    In my opinion, I don't think the "iPhone" will have more than 1GB just so that it wouldn't affect the sales of the lower capacity Nanos (the shuffle is an exception because its tiny and has a relatively lower concept).

    A good selling point would have to be how fast you can put on your music. My sister's Treo is painfully slow at that.


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  • justin bieber rare photos 2011

  • eobet
    Apr 30, 10:14 AM
    I get a 403 when I try to download it... :mad:

    justin bieber water fight. Justin+ieber+water+bottle
  • Justin+ieber+water+bottle

  • MacFly123
    Mar 23, 02:06 PM
    Huh! Could be interesting so long as only Apple's devices are the hosts and not other devices like Android etc. That would follow the model they are using with AirPlay for audio, so it might make sense.

    If that happens though and it is baked into TVs then it almost negates the reason to get an Apple TV box. Maybe this is when Apple would introduce a full on TV set with everything integrated! :D


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  • justin bieber water balloon

  • tigertazz
    Dec 28, 08:58 AM
    Sweet Baby J, will the problems with AT&T never cease

    Good job I'm in th UK


    justin bieber water fight. Justin Bieber also flipped
  • Justin Bieber also flipped

  • iGary
    Sep 13, 08:39 AM
    Hey Gary... don't worry.

    Had it myself for the first time just over 6 weeks ago for major surgery.
    It's not like sleep at all: no dreaming, no tossing & turning etc.

    In my case, the anaesthetist was in a small room off from the main theater. I was wheeled in on my bed. Some lines were inserted into my left hand and forearm, he disappeared behind me to check something... we chatted for a few seconds and then... I woke up in a large sunny room.

    It will seem like a handful of seconds will have passed since the anaesthetist induced full anaesthesia and waking up in the recovery room. Depending on the surgery they will have already put you on post-op pain relief and you may just feel fine and dandy like I did. Upon awakening, they will probably ask you a few simple questions to ascertain your mental state.

    Afterwards, you may be thirsty -- don't gulp water, though. It can leave you feeling nauseous. If you can manage it, it's also quite nice to have something a little starchy yet easy to digest like half a banana or a cookie, if doctors allow you to take food.

    Afterwards, I was on a morphine drip for 5 days and oral painkillers for the entire time in hospital -- I'm still on them now but a much-reduced dose...

    It's important to mobilise yourself as soon as the nurses let you. Take little gentle walks around the place -- gets the circulation, respiration and digestive system up and running.

    Glad to hear you are OK sweets!

    I've done my share of chemicals in my past :rolleyes: but this is a little scary for me.

    I'm sure it will be fine.

    That, and my neurosurgeon is dreamy. :D


    justin bieber water fight. justin bieber water gun. this
  • justin bieber water gun. this

  • Applespider
    Sep 17, 12:11 PM
    Sadly, I agree. There are other possible explanations, but I'm afraid occam's razor (http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/OCCAMRAZ.html) applies here. ;)

    Agreed too. Perhaps she said 'hi' outside because she recognised you and was just killing some time before meeting someone. Or she was kinda interested and wanted to check on it - who knows, perhaps if you felt awkward, you said something that really put her off?

    Either way, if you've been in twice and both times she's disappeared, that's a definite no-no. Given that generally retail staff are employed to be on the shop floor and if they hang around the stockroom, they get bollocked, it's an avoidance tactic.

    If you really want a last chance option, go to the store to buy something (even if it's blank discs), watch the theater for a while beforehand, don't make eye contact if you see her and see what happens. So long as you actually buy something, she shouldn't think you're stalking her and she may come over. But I think it's highly unlikely.

    justin bieber water fight. justin bieber never say never
  • justin bieber never say never

  • plinden
    Nov 2, 12:02 PM
    If Apple really wants to gain significant market share, it's going to have to advertise to people other than yuppies. I AM a yuppie and Apple's advertising and general attitude are a huge turn off for me.

    Working class America is intimidated by snobbery and will always feel more comfortable with down-to-earth, Wal-Marty companies. If Apple wants to gain users, it needs to find an innovative way to advertise to both it's existing yuppie constituency and common consumers. Otherwise they can forget about rising higher than a low double digit percentage.
    People who are happy with Wal-Marty companies are going to buy the cheapest thing they can find, so they will go for the $500 laptops and $350 desktops.

    Apple is not in the business of massive marketshare, it is in the business of making money. It is doing quite well with its current offerings AND current marketing, so it is unlikely to go downmarket. Consider, 58% of its income and most likely a similar percentage of profits come from Macs, so that's 546x.58 = $317 million. Compare this to Gateway - similar number of PCs sold, but it made a loss of $7 million last quarter.

    Increased profits come with increased market, but only up to a point.


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  • justin bieber bald haircut.

  • NikeTalk
    Aug 19, 12:06 PM
    Dang, I just deleted my facebook the other day. Let me how how it is guys.

    justin bieber water fight. justin bieber water gun fight.
  • justin bieber water gun fight.

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 17, 10:47 PM
    So the only model they're going to sell is the Elite Slim one once the supplies on the current Arcade and Pro are out?
    I give up. I'm not the droid you're looking for. Move along. Move along.


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  • justin bieber israel pictures.

  • blondepianist
    Mar 23, 02:09 PM
    ...it worked reliably from my Mac Mini (2010) to my iPad 2 without saying "you are not authorized to play this video" every other time, I would care.

    I'm assuming you're using AirView or the like? If so, realize that it's a third-party hack - of course it doesn't work.

    justin bieber water fight. justin bieber water balloon
  • justin bieber water balloon

  • iGary
    Sep 9, 09:17 AM
    I've driven through Valle Crucis (http://www.vallecrucis.com/) a couple times, but never stayed. It's a gorgeous, isolated N.C. mountain town. May be farther than you're willing to drive, though--I'd guess about 8 hours from Maryland.

    Tha looks tempting, WM.

    I'm also thinking of packing up my dusty collection of new, but long-unused fly rods and heading to Pennsylvania for some trout.


    justin bieber water fight. +justin+ieber+get+beat+up
  • +justin+ieber+get+beat+up

  • vi2867
    Oct 26, 03:51 PM
    That's the wave of the future...

    Intel Macs have been out for almost 11 months. This is what Apple and the Software companies do. This is how they make their money.

    If they continue make new products compatible with old products, people will have no reason to buy new products...

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  • justin bieber vanity fair.

  • macman916
    Dec 1, 10:58 AM
    If you want it, buy it. Stop complaining about other people's success. Lots of people sell 3rd party junk.


    justin bieber water fight. justin bieber singing on stage
  • justin bieber singing on stage

  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 25, 06:34 PM
    I should have gone for black!!! :(

    I got my Aqua Blue (it's more green than blue) and I'm not really keen on the color and if anything it is actually off putting. Oh well.

    I got Ridge Racer as a freebie, and I'm glad as I certainly would not have liked to pay for it. Its a big pile of meh!

    PilotWings which I was so looking forward to is likewise only ok, it's not as good as pilotwings 64!

    SuperStreet Fighter IV is likewise good but not spectacular in any shape or form.

    The problem with all of these is that they somehow don't look as sharp or smooth (AA) as they should and it's a little jarring. Somehow the many videos of over the shoulder camera shoots / hands on And the game trailers themselves look better than reality.

    In actual fact I'm not bowled over by any of the launch titles and there is so much stuff on the 3DS itself that tells you 'will be available in an update' when you click on it that im not bowled over by it too. I mean come on Nintendo FFS!

    Stereoscopy works but by god that sweet spot it requires is really fecking tight! The merest tilt throws it off and as this is a handheld console you will be throwing it off a lot, unless you unnaturally physically force your arms to hold it as rigid as possible, hold your eyes half crossed and fixed tight (which strains), and your neck stiff too. It's clear why Parralax 3D is a long way off being used for commercial TV screens. When it works it works, but it takes a wasps fart to blow it off course.

    It is much harder to view 3D content on the 3DS than with 3D glasses on an active 3DTV.

    Overall I'm glad this cost me negligible (traded in dsi xl and couple of games) otherwise I'd be mightily pissed off with myself.

    Certainly is nt worth the €270 asking price - nor the €45 game prices either.

    justin bieber water fight. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • weg
    Nov 14, 10:14 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

    "Because he's a pervert, son. Stop staring at his screen and keep watching how the American hero slaughters evil terrorists with his machine gun on your TV screen."

    Technically, people were able to watch porn on their notebooks during a flight, and so far this hasn't been an issue, has it?

    justin bieber water fight. purple justin bieber hat.
  • purple justin bieber hat.

  • iansilv
    Apr 7, 05:00 PM
    This dock means that the future iPhones will sync throught thunderbolt with macs and with usb 3.0 for pcs!!! I guess thins means macs wont come with usb 3.0, so maybe an adapter would come out sometime...

    I repeat: sync to macs with thunderbolt and sync to pcs with usb 3.0!!

    I hope they do this in the next iPhone- the thunderbolt speed.

    Feb 15, 04:32 PM
    Yep, works great. Tip, if you want to copy the color (as the hex value), hit Command-Shift-C. Just tried it with the red in the MacRumors logo above, returned #AA1416. Very simple.


    Mar 17, 01:54 AM
    3.28 here in fort collins

    Apr 1, 09:10 AM
    The only way we are ever going to get consumer friedly online tv is if the Googles and Apples of the world start creating their own content...

    Sep 25, 10:30 PM
    why did they wait till now to worry about this?

    Apr 14, 03:55 PM
    I wonder why I often see signs like this in stores ...

    Seems to me that I have only seen those signs at places where excessive inebreation by customers could be a problem, ie: bars, some places downtown in the bar district, etc.

    Anyways, if you don't want to sell something to somebody for WHATEVER reason, no matter how ridiculous, shouldn't that be your right?