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  • Ms. Ginnifer Goodwin also

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 23, 09:48 AM
    I think most people that show hatred to sandy bridge CPU are owners of late 2010 MBA. Bias imo.

    Or maybe people who simply prefer the 320 over the 3000?

    I like to do some light gaming on-the-go, and while I have my M11x for that, I mostly carry around my Air now.

    Before you tell me that the 3000 isn't as bad as I make it out to be, I have a 2011 13" Pro (i7-2.7/4/HD3000). CODMW2 on Medium settings on that, I can barely eke out 20fps while I can get 30 on my Air (although I did slightly OC the 320M).

    ginnifer goodwin short haircut. How cute is her short hair?
  • How cute is her short hair?

  • steve_hill4
    Oct 26, 05:51 PM
    Why such a negative response? The software out there sucks... more competition means more quality. Sound design needs some major upgrades. It needs to more innovate.
    I had a quick play with SoundBooth and this appeared to suck too. I can't see it being a decent replacement just yet.

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  • Ginnifer Goodwin

  • Eidorian
    Jun 17, 06:36 PM
    I'll be holding out for the Slim Pro model. That might be until Christmas though. :rolleyes:

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  • Ginnifer Goodwin Short Hair:

  • mactactic
    Apr 5, 07:21 PM
    I knew there was a reason to sit the 2011 mbp refresh out.


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  • Ginnifer Goodwin#39;s punk-rock

  • eyehop
    Oct 9, 04:16 PM
    It's a shame, poor Walmart and Target have to deal with shifts to the economy and distribution, much like the tens of thousands of US workers who have lost jobs due to overseas redistribution, etc., then end up working at their stores for a 1/4 of what they used to make. Digital distribution is a matter of fact they'll just need to adapt to. Play them an iTunes file of a violin. The good news is they still have toilet paper, which I don't see moving to an on-demand system anytime soon.

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  • Ginnifer Goodwin Short Hair

  • bushido
    Apr 12, 06:34 PM
    I bought a Verizon iPad because I have an AT&T iPhone. I figured that if one doesn't work, the other will. I saw no need to get two devices on the same network.

    But go ahead, explain to me why that's stupid, since I clearly don't get it and I'm ignorant.

    its stupid bc u pay twice for a mobile plan lol why not just tether ... oh wait u can't in the us without additional costs xD nvm


    sry but i still don't rly understand how it works in the US. there is an "AT&T" iPad, i thought they come unlocked, can't u just go to any store and buy a iPad "3G" and use whatever simcard u want? thats at least how it is here


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  • Ginnifer Goodwin Short Hair:

  • AttilaTheHun
    Jun 11, 09:14 AM
    If Verizon was not CDMA I think we would of seen a Verizon iPhone. I just don't think Apple really wants to mess with two different models of the phone.

    disagree with you in England iphone is sell by 5 companies

    I really hope T-Mobile isn't chosen...I had them for a year and a half and what horrible customer service. Not to mention that their coverage in Palm Springs, CA is horrible. Apple should go with Verizon, I did go with AT&T myself, but Verizon is rated highest of all the carriers for customer satisfaction and coverage.

    I wish that more companies will sell the iphone in the US so at&t will not act as a monopoly DO YOU RIMMBER some 20 years ago at&t was broken out by the goverment because of monopoly lows? I thing its time to do it again

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  • ginnifer goodwin short hair

  • Aldaris
    Apr 30, 12:45 PM
    So, how long does GameStop take to send the beta code? I just preordered... wish I could start the download while I'm waiting for the code...

    Supposedly, according to Gamestop, within 1 business day, although some other posts I have come across seem less optimistic (maybe they're just trolls...)

    Either way, I put in a pre-order, if I don't get my beta key before too long I might cancel, I might not... I'm more of a digital download fella anyway...


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  • *LTD*
    May 5, 01:43 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Devil's Advocate:

    I bought a Netbook Holiday Special ($199 normally $399 with ATI chip and graphics and Win 7 Home Premium) from the MS Store last Dec.

    MS took off the manufacturer's build (with tons of bloat-ware) and put their own on. It included a lot MS of extras (photo, video editing, music editor - sounding familiar?) and their premium Anti-Virus with lifetime subscription.

    When it booted, it only asked for my username and the type of network to connect to (again - familiar? LOL)

    I haven't had any problems with it whatsoever... :eek:

    Just food for thought...

    A lot of people on this board forget that Windows is the OS leader for a reason...

    Universal licensing.

    ginnifer goodwin short haircut. That is some short hair!
  • That is some short hair!

  • Amazing Iceman
    Feb 23, 01:30 PM
    FTC go do something useful, let parents learn to educate their kids and earn their respect, so they won't over spend at the AppStore.
    It could be the Candy Store or the Arcade, so what's the difference???


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  • ginnifer goodwin short haircut

  • BeSweeet
    Apr 12, 02:56 PM
    No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.

    That's Apple for ya!

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  • steadysignal
    Apr 26, 07:12 AM
    iOS evolution from 1 to 4 is somewhat disappointing. It has become somewhat stale, especially for the iPad. Hopefully iOS 5 is a big leap forward.


    you think it will be anything more than an incremental improvement?


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  • ginnifer-g-hair.jpg

  • shartypants
    Apr 5, 09:05 AM
    Hard not to see the iPad 2 as a great product, even for CU. I'm surprised they didn't find something that would prevent them from recommending it.

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  • Ginnifer Goodwin Hairstyles

  • NT1440
    Apr 3, 12:54 PM
    If states went into deficits because people didn't have enough money to pay their taxes how will raising taxes solve this problem?

    Did you read the article at all before posting? :confused:


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  • Ginnifer Goodwin 2010 People#39;s

  • snberk103
    Mar 22, 11:13 AM
    Great thread for all of us green thumbs out there! Of all the specialized forums I have belonged to, none of the folks are as helpful as the photographers. IMHO

    ... Although, one can look to the future too! This is the beauty of photography! There are no rules, limits, or boundaries, hence zero gravity! :)

    Two Thumbs Up on photographers are the nicest people!

    I have the good fortune to live in a small community that is crawling with photographers. The entire island is 10,000 people and we have close to a dozen internationally recognized/award winning shooters. We have one camera club, plus two and half informal groups of photographers (roughly grouped from amateurs to retired pros (with lots of overlap in the groups) that mount between 2 to 4 annual group shows in the local community art's complex. The longest running show hangs close to a 100 photos each year, and we have a waiting list of people trying to get into the group. One of the rules is that the images shown have to be "New" to island.

    Most of the other non-media specific art groups/guilds accept photographers as full members (rare!) so in fact one can come and visit my little island just about anytime, and see some photography hanging in show somewhere. Just like a big city, eh?

    And - almost without exception - the nicest people on this island of ours are photographers. We socialize together. We bump into each other on the street. We have dinner and beers together. We are constantly thinking up new shows we should be doing. Sigh. Sometimes (just occasionally!) I wish I could go out and not talk shop. "Too many d*mn photographers!" I've been heard to say....

    Any way.... yes.... photographers are good people....

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  • ginnifer goodwin short hair

  • ibook30
    Nov 21, 04:27 PM
    this tech would have worked great in a powerbook G5......


    ginnifer goodwin short haircut. Ginnifer Goodwin
  • Ginnifer Goodwin

  • BWhaler
    Nov 15, 12:11 AM
    And where is Jetblue in all of this??? :cool:

    I wondered the same thing. JetBlue seems like an innovator, and if anyone is going to actually hit this launch date, it would be them.

    i suspect the issue is their deal with directtv. just my guess.

    ginnifer goodwin short haircut. quot;Ginnifer Goodwinquot; quot;Something
  • quot;Ginnifer Goodwinquot; quot;Something

  • Peace
    Mar 26, 05:29 PM
    #1 there is no front page news here... Sesiously people? It's two guys having coffee and one overheard line someone claims of heard without any real substance or context.

    ...but to add to the humor aspect going on here... I think Jobs wears the same thing every day to express solidarity with all the Apple users that have to settle for fewer choices and options than PC users.

    You want blu-ray? Look I want a shirt I don't pull over my head every morning, but I get by..
    You want a replaceable battery in your iPhone? Look I want a different pair of shoes but I get by...
    You want USB ports on the iPad? Look I want to wear shorts some time, but I get by...

    You do realize one of these "guys" is being indirectly sued by the other don't you ?

    ginnifer goodwin short haircut. Ginnifer Goodwin Does So Much
  • Ginnifer Goodwin Does So Much

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 03:05 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    Dont be a uninformed fanboy. k? Thanks


    You too.

    Feb 23, 03:12 PM
    hey guys
    wondering if you can help. i want to find a certain wallpaper that i cant find anywhere else.
    if you have seen the film 'Sunshine' have you seen a wallpaper like the sun in the film?
    like this:

    but higher res and with out the man.
    cheers for the help and if you have anything to request i'll see if i can find it!

    Jun 17, 04:59 PM
    AWS-1 (a.k.a. UMTS Band IV) is a standard in the U.S. and Canada. I think Japan has also allocated AWS-1 (to eMobile). It is constructed out of two parts: 1710 to 1755 MHz and 2110 to 2155 MHz. Devices which support AWS-1 are commonly labeled "1700." Quite simply, that's the spectrum that was available to put up for auction. T-Mobile and Wind Mobile either could bid on that spectrum and use it for 3G service or not. Mobile device manufacturers can now produce AWS frequency products if they want to sell through these carriers or not. It's Apple's choice whether to play or pass.

    Years ago, European nations did not adopt the same frequency allocations that the U.S. did for the world's first cellular service (824-849 MHz paired with 869-894 MHz). It's hardly unusual that different groups of countries have different allocations, primarily because of existing services that were already licensed but also occasionally for political reasons.

    There are all kinds of variations in spectrum allocations between countries and regions. The U.S. has allocated spectrum in the 700+ MHz range for LTE services (which Verizon in particular plans to use). Europe and Asia use 2100+ MHz for 3G while the U.S. doesn't. Europe has allocated 900+ MHz and 1800+ MHz spectrum to GSM (and now some 3G) while the U.S. has allocated the AMPS (824-849/869-894) and 1900+ MHz ranges. AWS-1 is just another set of frequencies which Apple either will or won't support.

    If Apple does support AWS-1, it would significantly improve the compatibility of their products in North America. It isn't a particularly difficult engineering issue. (Fairly trivial, actually.) Nokia has already done so with the N8 which supports GSM/EDGE on 850/900/1800/1900 and 3G on 850/900/1700/1900/2100.

    This is easily the most factually complete and correct post in this thread. Kudos!

    I would add that most of the UMTS/HSPA carriers in north america are doing UMTS on the Cellular (850) and the PCS bands. Also, I'm not an EE, but I've always wondered why radio modems don't come with support for all of these bands. Why did/do we even have dual/tri-band GSM phones or HSPA phones that don't do AWS - especially now in 2010? Is it antenna design? Is it the extra analog front ends needed? Is it just product market segmentation?

    Jun 11, 04:54 AM
    I really hope T-Mobile isn't chosen...I had them for a year and a half and what horrible customer service. Not to mention that their coverage in Palm Springs, CA is horrible. Apple should go with Verizon, I did go with AT&T myself, but Verizon is rated highest of all the carriers for customer satisfaction and coverage.

    Mar 13, 12:54 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    My Vzw iPhone also had this issue last night, but it shows the correct time now. And judging from other posts, Vzw fixed this issue at some point in the night. I bet a lot of vzw iphones were affected, but most people did not notice any issue because it happened while most ppl were asleep and it was resolved by morning..

    May 2, 12:06 PM
    Unfortunately, I doubt it will change anything regarding our domestic panicking or foreign military intrusions.

    I wonder about the 'domestic panicking' actually. So much of it was fear driven and we've just killed the boogeyman, will the American people remain willing to submit to 'nudie' scanners, shoe checks, and fingernail clipper peculation.

    It's not like Obama injected the name of Osama Bin Laden to justify sending drones into Libya a couple of weeks ago.

    Sure, but going into Libya wasn't for the same reasons we went to Afghanistan, rather it's the reason we went into Bosnia; we're using military force to keep a dictator from killing his own people. It's a different mission with different moral arguments.

    The death of the dollar/US economy, not the death of Bin Laden, will end our ongoing wars, whether those wars be abstract wars "on terror," or actual, needless invasions halfway around the world.

    There's some truth to this.