before and after smoking weed

before and after smoking weed. smoking marijuana before
  • smoking marijuana before

  • 0010101
    Nov 2, 08:24 PM
    I've followed the computer industry for 26+ years.. I remember a time when Apples marketshare was thru the roof. I also remember a company called Commodore that is still the best selling personal computer of all time.

    I know a whole lot more people who would be more inclined to buy a Mac if they could run their favorite app, or the latest game under MacOSX.

    That sort of thing can only come with market share.

    The switch to Intel can go one of two ways.. it could get Macs in peoples hands, who grow to prefer the OSXperience and abandon Windows all together.. or it could end up being an Alienware kind of computer that people buy as a status symbol, but run Windows on it.

    Heck, you may start to see software developers abandon their Mac divisions all together.. figuring that since most Intel Mac users have Windows installed, they can just write ONE version of their software and cover all bases.

    Growth and increased market share is good for Apple, and good for their customers.

    There is a long list of hardware companies that gave up their propriatary designs and archetecture and adopted the 'x86' that you don't hear much of anymore.

    What seperates Apple from those companies is their totally rockin' OS.. but an OS is only as good as the software that's available for it.

    I tell ya what i'd really like to see.. the ability to run XP apps from within OSX.. sort of like Wine.. in an easy to use and configure setup.

    before and after smoking weed. and smoking marijuana,
  • and smoking marijuana,

  • scem0
    Sep 14, 09:43 PM
    Originally posted by MacBandit

    You don't need to spend 3,000 to get an extremely fast mac right now try 1,600-1,700.

    But for 1,600-1,700 dollars I can get a hell of a lot faster PC. Nobody can deny that.

    before and after smoking weed. Dylan John smoking marijuana
  • Dylan John smoking marijuana

  • rmwebs
    Mar 25, 12:04 PM
    Kodak, just admit that you royally screwed up and missed the boat when the world went digital, don't try to suck money from the winners by suing them. Why not get the money from customers instead by making products that people actually want to buy.

    They have every right to sue if Apple violated their patent. They invented the technology and decided to protect it, period.

    You'd be royally pissed if Microsoft came out with the mPhone which looked and felt exactly like an iPhone...parents exist for a very good reason.

    The fact that kodak is a dying company is neither here nor there and has no place in this thread.

    before and after smoking weed. stop smoking marijuana.
  • stop smoking marijuana.

  • onthecouchagain
    Apr 28, 01:07 PM
    I wonder if heating will be an issue with the Air's casing and Sandy Bridge processors. I've read/heard that they may cut the SB power in half (whatever that means; I apologize, my tech-knowledge is poor) to reduce heat, but what will that mean for the processing speed? Or might Apple have a solution by innovating the design/fans/whatever?


    before and after smoking weed. efore and after smoking weed. miley cyrus smoking weed. miley cyrus smoking weed. DurnkPorduction. Apr 22, 10:03 AM. Unfortunately, as expected.
  • efore and after smoking weed. miley cyrus smoking weed. miley cyrus smoking weed. DurnkPorduction. Apr 22, 10:03 AM. Unfortunately, as expected.

  • rumorsdan
    Apr 4, 03:35 AM
    ah ok...:o


    before and after smoking weed. smoking marijuana shortly
  • smoking marijuana shortly

  • rreichenfeld
    Aug 14, 11:39 AM
    I love the ads, but the credit goes to the director of the ads. This Justin Long fellow shouldn't be the topic of conversaition. Actuallly the Windows guys is much cooler, he is John Hodgman the author of "The Area's of my Expertise". He also appears on The Daily Show with John Stewart regularly.

    I'm not dissing Long, but there are just other people who should be recognized before him.


    before and after smoking weed. to smoking Weed Before
  • to smoking Weed Before

  • chuckles:)
    Jun 10, 09:01 PM
    Stop complaining. You get the iPhone 4 a month before your neighbours do.

    And with cheaper plans and shorter contracts.

    before and after smoking weed. efore and after smoking weed.
  • efore and after smoking weed.

  • DeSnousa
    May 14, 07:13 PM
    i mean what is $800 Australian in American dollars?

    the reason i bring up the next GPU client is b/c i've heard it will be better with ATI cards than the current client. now i'm not sure if the ATI cards will pass nvidia or not though (i doubt it, but i'm just not sure).

    right now intel is better than amd for folding, but that doesn't mean you can't fold with it.

    with intel, if you go with let's say an i3 or i5 processor, you can always upgrade later. but keep in mind that i3, i5, and i7 860 use a different socket than the i7 920/930 and up.

    Ahh stuff it I will spend roughly 900-1100 US dollars, so if you had that kind of money what would you get, don't need a screen, nor Windows 7. I appreciate your thought and help.


    before and after smoking weed. Why I stopped smoking pot
  • Why I stopped smoking pot

  • iJon
    Sep 19, 04:59 PM
    Originally posted by bond2
    Everyone has been complaining so much about the current Macs being so far behind the Pentiums and AMD processors in speed. In actuality the new 1.25ghz Dual G4 is the 3rd fastest consumer PC in the market. It almost matches the fastest AMD processor and is just slightly behind Intels PIV 2.8 ghz machine. Check it out for yourself:
    I really dont care about speeds anymore, its more like i care what my computer can do. which my mac can do much more than my pc. but one thing about these benchmarks. it takes apple two processors to almost beat amds and intels chips. i think apple would be in better shape if they could come this close with a single chip, lets hope that those ibm chips with apple rumors are true.


    before and after smoking weed. efore and after smoking weed. A routine kids-smoking-pot; A routine kids-smoking-pot. bobr1952. Apr 30, 11:04 AM. considering that amazon sells mp3 format
  • efore and after smoking weed. A routine kids-smoking-pot; A routine kids-smoking-pot. bobr1952. Apr 30, 11:04 AM. considering that amazon sells mp3 format

  • InfoSecmgr
    Apr 6, 03:37 PM
    Because you do contracts for the Department of the Navy does not mean you know everything. Also there is more tax dollars going to waste every DAY with the current administration.

    Trust me I served for 21 years and saw waste fraud and abuse, and there aint a dam thing your going to do, as soon as you blow the whistle your career is down the toilet and that is active duty personnel and the civilian workers also.

    This about sums it up to the OP you are replying to here. I've been in for 6 years (a bit less than you obviously) but I do concur.


    before and after smoking weed. girls smoking marijuana
  • girls smoking marijuana

  • ejfontenot
    Mar 11, 09:58 PM
    Word at best buy Stonebriar was sellout. BUT, they were letting people that would sign up for a credit card skip ahead in the line. This from a guy that was line with me at stonebriar mall while his wife ran over there after apple ran out of 3G models.

    before and after smoking weed. acne and smoking marijuana
  • acne and smoking marijuana

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 30, 07:44 PM's NOT u/linix sorry...because "web page servers" are not the only computers in data centers!

    Hum, you do understand all those big financial institutions and banks don't actually use Windows server for their big enterprise level CRMs and other important packages right ?

    Unix and Linux are used for way more than just "web server". Maybe you should try working 1 day in IT before you talk about IT. ;)

    Of course, you probably don't want to hear the truth and wouldn't accept it anyhow, keep believing in Windows' importance because that's what you see on the desktop, I'll keep working on real OSes in my cushy IT job far away from anything made by Redmond.


    before and after smoking weed. My dog was a pothead efore
  • My dog was a pothead efore

  • 840quadra
    Sep 25, 11:21 PM
    Here you go (

    Those bots are too dang quick!

    You beat me to it!

    before and after smoking weed. Back efore she had to deal
  • Back efore she had to deal

  • shadowbird423
    Apr 12, 04:05 PM
    Obvious. I know a ton of people that have the 64GB..

    EDIT: Not that they need it. My 32 is more than enough and I'm not an average user.


    before and after smoking weed. efore and after smoking weed.
  • efore and after smoking weed.

  • DrEwe
    May 2, 07:32 PM
    It is not thicker, don't believe all the junk you see.

    I have the white and the black iPhone 4 and the white one is slightly thicker. The front glass plate has a raised perimeter "lip" that prevents the front face from coming in contact with a smooth surface if you place it face down, my black iPhone 4 does not. Incidentally - this makes it almost impossible to put the antiglare screen protecting plastic on, as the edges are always pushed ever-so-slightly up unless it is perfectly centered.

    before and after smoking weed. Smoking. Da. Weed. George.
  • Smoking. Da. Weed. George.

  • fxtech
    Apr 21, 04:48 PM
    Ahh my wet dream of John Carmack and Steve Jobs on the same stage gets a little closer.

    A touchscreen is a HORRIBLE interface for an id game. Far worse than even a standard "stick" controller.


    before and after smoking weed. efore and after smoking weed. talking points when asked; talking points when asked. KnightWRX. May 2, 09:38 AM
  • efore and after smoking weed. talking points when asked; talking points when asked. KnightWRX. May 2, 09:38 AM

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jul 24, 09:29 AM
    ^ nice but too expensive.

    100-150 euro more for it is a lot. Retailers are already throwing deals together such as free game, or at least cheaper game plus extra controllers.

    I got the new machine with extra black controller, Pure & Lego Batman + newly released ToyStory 3 free.
    Yea, that was the older 360 Elite Spring Bundle that MS was selling. The reason they threw Pure and Lego Batman in is because those games are old. Both came out in 2008. I already own all the Lego games anyway. The other Elite bundle they were selling recently came with Halo 3: ODST and Forza 3, two games that I already own as well. So, the standard bundles that MS has been selling haven't been much use to me.

    The way I see it, with this bundle I'm getting the new $300 "S" console with an extra $60 controller and the $60 game for $380 (I had Amazon credit). So, I'm getting $40 off what it would have cost just for those items if I bought them separately, and that doesn't even take into account the unique color and graphics of the console and controllers. For a huge Halo fan, like myself, that counts for something. I think it is a good deal.

    before and after smoking weed. efore and after smoking weed.
  • efore and after smoking weed.

  • AxisOfBeagles
    Mar 16, 02:57 PM
    Hats off to everyone for keeping this up and running.


    Actually Dale - hats off to you for resurrecting the challenge. While I enjoy many of the threads in MR, this is by far the one of greatest interest to me. Taking on a challenge and working to achieve it in an image; getting specific feedback from others ... these are invaluable. Thanks much.

    Now to figure out "beauty in unexpected places". this one is, for me, a much harder concept. At least, to do so without being cliche.

    before and after smoking weed. after smoking marijuana
  • after smoking marijuana

  • Josh
    Dec 14, 09:21 AM
    ^ yeah, sometimes it goes up when I think it's doing that.

    But this up/down sequence is very regular - too regular to be from processes running, I imagine.

    May 2, 05:48 PM
    Thumbs up! However, although I won't propose Dems are more effective in running government, at least they are sympathetic to the average Joe. :)

    Neither party is very effective at this point.... :(

    Apr 18, 06:39 AM
    Welcome gman20 to the team :)

    Your stats:

    Great to see some new users, also great to see our active users increase :D

    Apr 5, 04:52 PM
    Fantastic. Apple should have Thunderbolt across most of their Mac line by the time this comes out on the iPhone 5/iPad 3, and most new PCs will have USB 3.

    Super-high-speed syncing, plus possibly external devices due to Thunderbolt's daisy chain ability?

    It could make an iPad/iPhone accessories market of Thunderbolt devices that pushes adoption...

    Apr 20, 07:51 AM
    What's all the talk of an all-white home button in the first video? I've seen it and I can see a square on the button. It looks like the same phone in both videos to me.

    Mar 11, 11:24 AM
    How's the line at Northpark looking? Any word from the staff on inventory levels?