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  • taylermatt42146
    Jun 13, 10:11 PM
    Yes, all your purchases, and downloads should be backed up in iTunes. Actually, when I restore my iPod touch it gives me the option to restore from a backup. (that is, if you ever backed up). After running the backup, it's just like it was before.

    If you have never backed up, just click the restore button, then after all is done you should still have an "applications" tab in iTunes which let's you put the apps back on.

    Hope this was some help to you.

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  • cartoon characters coexist

  • BaldiMac
    Mar 25, 09:34 AM
    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    Second that.

    Everyone else? How many patent lawsuits has Apple initiated in the last decade? HTC. Any significant others?

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  • cartoon characters pepper

  • takao
    Apr 4, 02:46 PM
    regarding tariffs: the problem isn't the important goods for the US: it's the lack of exporting goods

    also a lot of the US car industry themselves is also heavily dependant on imported supplies as it can been seen since the japanese tsunami: quite a few of US brands had to stop some production lines (additionally to the japanese brands)

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  • of cartoon characters.

  • Purdin
    Mar 13, 05:27 PM
    I woke up in the middle of the night and my Verizon iPhone did fall back an hour. It later corrected itself though.


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  • police cartoon characters

  • thejadedmonkey
    May 5, 12:26 PM
    Devil's Advocate:

    I bought a Netbook Holiday Special ($199 normally $399 with ATI chip and graphics and Win 7 Home Premium) from the MS Store last Dec.

    MS took off the manufacturer's build (with tons of bloat-ware) and put their own on. It included a lot MS of extras (photo, video editing, music editor - sounding familiar?) and their premium Anti-Virus with lifetime subscription.

    When it booted, it only asked for my username and the type of network to connect to (again - familiar? LOL)

    I haven't had any problems with it whatsoever... :eek:

    Just food for thought...

    A lot of people on this board forget that Windows is the OS leader for a reason...

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  • How to Draw Doug, Step by Step, Nickelodeon Characters, Cartoons, Draw Cartoon Characters, FREE Online Drawing

  • digitalbiker
    Oct 12, 11:07 AM
    OSX alone is worth spending 10 grand on a laptop.


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  • likable cartoon characters

  • Eraserhead
    May 16, 02:05 AM
    Hmm, maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective though, why don't you think it's clear?

    Because most Apple products have hardware AND software so you might not know where to look for your specific issue/for the information you want.

    For example if I was looking up information on the iPod Touch, there will be information on the hardware and information on the software, but they will be in different places.

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  • Old Cartoon Characters

  • Natesac
    Mar 11, 09:00 AM
    We are 12th and 13th at Willow Bend. We are currently at the end of the line. There is a roped off area and they are saying LIMIT TWO PER PERSON.


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  • Cartoons in college

  • SMM
    Nov 2, 02:20 PM
    Growing marketshare is a lot more difficult than some of you (not all) may imagine. If Apple had a sudden increase, they would not be able to support it. They would find some suppliers who would be unable to quickly ramp up for the extra demand. Their assembly plants would be overwhelmed, as would their transportation infrastructure.

    Growing their business must be performed in a strategic and systematic way. On the plus side, they have a solid cash reserve to this. But, they are extremely diverse and have new products coming down the line. The best thing they can do is increase sales in new markets, keep their profits high, maintain their lead in engineering and start increasing capacity.

    Many people have posted about having a mid-level tower, highly configurable, and placed between the imac and Mac Pro. I suspect Apple would like this as well. However, it takes a different kind of assembly line to make machines like this, and still keep the price low. It also takes more work in the sales to work order process to make it happen efficiently. I think this may be a possibility once Apple can get the infrastructure in-place to manage it. They most certainly need additional manufacturing capacity right now. This could very well be in work.

    Regardless, I believe Apple will end up with a significant market share and it will not be a linear growth. Going from 6%-12% will be the toughest period for them.

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  • jeremy.king
    Apr 12, 01:25 PM
    Still can't assign tasks to others in Outlook...bummer


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  • Rug rats cartoon characters

  • bigcat318
    Apr 14, 01:50 PM
    I like the mop behind him. Is he the janitor of the data center?

    Joking I hope

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  • Nickelodeon Doug

  • iZac
    Apr 19, 12:16 PM
    Expose by shaking is a very crap idea, wasn't that great for undo either.

    shake-to-anything is a bad idea.

    On a phone at least.


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  • erin cartoon

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 14, 02:22 PM
    Microsoft just confirmed the leak from yesterday. The new version of the Xbox 360 is shipping now, and will be in stores later this week. Details are fairly slim as of right now, but here is what we know so far...

    - Smaller
    - Quieter
    - 250GB Drive standard
    - Built-in 802.11N wifi
    - Priced at $299 (same as the current "Elite", so expect price drops on the older ones)

    - Click to HUGE-Size pics -

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  • mkubel
    Mar 21, 07:20 PM
    Well shooting manual works for what I do. I doubt any sports photographers use anything other than Aperture Priority mode I would think.

    I'd never use Aperture Priority mode for sports. It has the potential for dropping the shutter speed to low. I only shoot sports (as well as everything else) in manual mode. I like having the control. If anything for sports I'd lock in a shutter speed.


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  • Andy Panda Cartoon Characters

  • mpw
    Sep 13, 07:23 AM
    �Is it all IV? Gas?

    What do you feel like when you come to?...
    I had a few GA�s and I think I�ve had both gas and IV�s.
    Whichever you have it�s normal for the doctor (I�ll not try to attempt and spell anestithologist <that�s why) to ask you to count down from ten, you won�t make seven before you�re under.
    While you�re under you don�t dream, or at least I never have.
    Coming round is the weird part as it�s not like waking up from sleep, it�s like when you are so tired you can�t keep your eyes open. You know when you�re sat in front of TV at night and the shopping channel comes on and you�re powerless to even lift the remote but can see the horror in front of you.
    You�ll come round from the drugs like this and then drift back off to �normal� sleep ie sleep your body�s decided you need as opposed to drug induced.
    Waking from that sleep is fairly normal except you�ll have to deal with the pain of whatever operation you just had. :(

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  • addicted44
    Apr 21, 06:31 PM
    When I said "that's about it," it wasn't a negative thing. When it comes to an iPhone, if they made those enhancements, that's plenty to guarantee another year of success. Especially alongside iOS 5.

    If there is any redesign needed, its on the OS side.

    iOS needs:
    1) Better notifications.
    2) Better communication with computers/tablets (the HP idea of syncing the Pre tablet and smartphone by just tapping each other is great. You can already do this on iOS with some 3rd party apps, but Apple implementing it at the OS level would be awesome).
    3) Greater app<->app integration. This really needs to improve, IMO.
    4) Better file management. (Not a Finder, but getting files onto iOS from a computer, etc., should be easier.)
    5) A snazzy new look would also be nice, but not necessary.
    6) RFID. I think this is really low in importance, because it will take a while to rollout (well, at least RFID payments...I love the idea of RFID to wake/sync between devices). At least as far as payments go, it will be better if Apple takes their time and does it right, involving all stakeholders to deliver a complete successful product.


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  • Funny Cartoon Characters

  • Abyssgh0st
    Mar 11, 06:35 AM
    University? Damn I thought they only had north park mall one and Knox store haha I'm still waiting for them to open the door for the mall at north park =\

    Nope.. Close to TCU/the zoo (S Univ.). There's still only 6 of us... I'm a bit worried that there may not be a crowd until like noon. And I'm freezing. F.

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  • Savage Chickens cartoon

  • Riemann Zeta
    Apr 25, 07:21 PM
    This really makes a whole lot of sense: DVDs are dirt cheap (like 0.03 USD cheap), 8GB USB drives are not. Providing the OS on stick drive makes sense for an expensive machine like the Macbook Air, where people are paying more for the tiny size. And boo to only offering 10.7 over the Mac App Store.

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  • young cartoon characters

  • lmalave
    Nov 14, 12:26 PM
    I'm flying Delta NYC to Madrid next week - too bad it's not available now.

    Domestically, I basically only fly Jet Blue so I guess no iPod integration for me...

    Sep 29, 02:28 PM
    i downloaded 10.4.8 and it wouldnt boot! i got a dark grey screen instead of the blue appple screen. Then i did it again but reset pram. then it just sat at the apple screen loading for a few minutes, so i restarted. Same thing, but it reset by itself, o then the 3rd time i let it stay and it worked. i hope it ends up being ok. I only downloaded it because i was hoping for apertre 1.5, but of course its nto out yet

    Apr 3, 12:08 PM
    I'm back to word now and it has grown on me some because of the comments ability, simple thesaurus/dict, and is compatible with reference software. However, it is very slow (almost unbearable) on my stock 256mb ibook. And more importantly it does not handle figures and table nearly as well as Pages. Consequently I do most of my typing in word and then work with my figures and table in pages and include them as a separate PDF. I also have Mellel which is also nice if I just want to write smoothly without any distractions.

    And iwork is worth the price just for keynote. However, why doesn't keynote have a way to dim bulleted lists once you have gone over an individual bullet. I am envious of powerpoint only for this feature.


    Rodimus Prime
    May 2, 12:21 PM
    end result no real change. Someone else will rise up and take his place.

    Real question is will the replacement be worse than the the first.

    Apr 12, 02:13 PM
    Pages and Numbers are much easier to use, and far nicer to look at than Office. If I don't need the horsepower I prefer iWork. If I do need the horsepower I have Office 2003 running on a late 2009 mini that is Windows 7 only. Office 2003 works great with W7, and it's not all blue looking like some of the newer versions.

    As usual Windows runs MS software much better than Mac OS does.

    They made Mac OS office very similar to the windows counterpart in the 2011 version. Granted its not 100% the same but the gap between office 2011 on mac and office 2011 on windows is very tiny now.

    Apr 29, 04:43 PM
    Hey everyone!
    After a few days of trying to:
    a) Wipe the phone / Jailbreak
    b) Restore/Update/ Wipe Jailbreak
    c) Update and rejailbreak

    I came up with nothing.

    When I plug my phone into the computer, Itunes notices it, but cannot read any information and thus makes me restore. It downloaded the 4.3.2 firmware and started to get to work. After about 10 minutes it finally said failed. This happened over and over and over. Even using my own firmwares and the shift+click method. (Tried same 4.1, 4.2 and another 4.3.2). Nothing works. I even tried using iREB to put it into "Pwn dfu mode", but still I get errors. Anyone have any ideas?

    The next thing I'm going to try to do is use another computer.
    Also, what is that thing with changing the hosts file. I don't completely understand what it does and if it would help.

    Again, thanks!


    Fix my phone :(