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  • BadCatOS
    Apr 2, 03:09 PM
    I wear a black shirt and jeans almost every day too!


    1: I wear good shoes. Come on steve!
    2: Mine fit.
    3: Turtlenecks dont look good on anyone.

    New Balance 993 are bad shoes? Made in USA and a quality running shoe.

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  • MrFirework
    Nov 14, 09:38 AM
    so then... maybe...


    ... just a thought.

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  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 19, 09:53 AM
    My post is "coming soon"......IN PURPLE TEXT!!!!;)

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  • wnowickiz1
    Apr 30, 06:48 AM
    Bought a Macbook Pro this past February, love it.

    I am becoming a heavy user of iMovie11 and have produced some cool movies. I have a Panasonic TM 700 HD video camera.

    I hosted a premier last night of a movie and was slightly frustrated with the video quality of the DVD. It is not HD, but looks OK. The sound is very good.

    I then hooked up my Macbook to the TV (HDMI) and viewed the movie (which was shared to media browser) through iMovie. I setup in preferences to ensure the output was 1080i. Video looked a lot better, but the sound of the background music overshadowed the voice on the people on the movie. Not sure why this changed.

    What should I do to maximize the video quality and have the audio match the version I edited?



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  • leomac08
    Mar 31, 11:47 AM
    $4.69, $4.79 and $4.89 in Beverly Hills, CA when i went there like 2 weeks ago

    $5.00 for full service... :O

    but in Irvine and the OC average is $4.01 unleaded

    In Inglewood cheapest is $3.97 :(

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  • BC2009
    Apr 12, 12:45 PM
    don't care

    pages, numbers and keynote still rock

    fixed that for you


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  • iSee
    Apr 5, 06:10 PM
    As a true believer and a life-long Consumer Reports subscriber (been paying myself since I got my first real job > 20 years ago and before that I read my mother's magazines), I say this:

    CR is "at best mediocre" at evaluating tech. They are like a bunch of really sharp grandpas and grandmas: on traditional things -- things they understand well -- they are superb -- unbeatable, really. Ignore their advice on cars or vacuums at your own risk. You might as well burn money. But they just don't get new technology and don't know how to evaluate it.

    I happen to agree with them this time around, but believe me, it is purely coincidental. Just ignore CU when it comes to tech.

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  • kazmac
    Apr 30, 06:24 PM
    Same resolution for the 13" > but these changes would be nice:

    8GB ram option
    larger SSD drive
    longer battery life > closer to the iPad (iPad has really spoiled me as far as battery life).

    and perhaps just a little lighter.

    If the RAM/Battery life bumps are in I'll reconsider, especially since my wrists are okay with the magic mouse and an Apple laptop > (why I didn't use my Magic Mouse with the Airs/Pros I tested over the last month > duh).


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  • Laird Knox
    Apr 5, 08:07 PM
    I don't think it needs 5 years, the hardware is already powerful enough to handle image editing and sorting it just needs a well designed app and someway of assessing wireless storage.

    Don't think just hardware though - Even though the hardware will continue to evolve, the software has a long way to go as well. They have really been making some great strides lately but still have much to do.

    In addition, people's usage habits will continue to evolve. My Mom doesn't do much more than email, web, word processing and photo browsing. Does she really need a big box to do that? I see a tablet sitting in a dock connected to a keyboard/mouse and possibly an external monitor. Works just as well as that big box. Then she can pick it up and use it as a tablet when she doesn't need the keyboard.

    All the pieces are falling into place but I have to agree that five years is a pretty good timeline. In ten things are really going to get interesting. ;)

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  • diederik85
    Jun 14, 11:54 AM
    Not everyone in the Netherlands and Germany is happy with it, but T-Mobile has been our exclusive provider of the iPhone 3G and 3GS since their launch and there is no end in sight for us. It would however be very easy and logical for Apple to choose to use T-Mobile in the US, not only because no hardware modification is necessary (I noticed myself last week in Boston that my European iPhone 3G 16GB defaulted to the T-Mobile network or alternatively AT&T when there was no coverage), and it would be a matter of adding an additional country to an existing contract with a company you are already dealing with as opposed to starting from scratch. You Americans may not like it but it is the most logical move for Apple even if it's not the preferred one.

    :apple: 13" Macbook Pro 2.4 (2010), iMac 20" 2.66, iPhone 3G 16GB, Black Macbook 2.0, 600 & 900MHz 12" iBook G3's, G3 + G4 iMac's and much more going back to 1987 :apple:


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  • AppleMc
    Mar 11, 02:07 PM
    Best Buy Eldarado Frisco 5 of each Type


    Do we know if there's a line? That's 2 minutes from work for me.

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  • iPoster
    Sep 14, 09:21 PM
    Yeah, I get to have my wisdom teeth out next Thursday, so it's anesthesia for me too!

    Where do you people live that you get general anesthesia for wisdom teeth? I had all four of mine removed at the same time, and had to make do with 12 (4 by each tooth) shots of Novocain (local anesthetic) !!!! Then I got to listen as the dentist crunched the one that was coming in sideways and recessed so he could suction out the little pieces.


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  • jsw
    Sep 13, 08:53 AM
    My wife's an RN and has both been in a number of anesthetized surgeries and has had some herself.

    Most patients do just fine - as described above. Redheads are a bit more sensitive to anesthesia (not sure why, but apparently it's true), but that isn't an issue unless your anesthesiologist is color-blind. ;)

    Some people - including my wife - are prone to a bit of nausea afterwards, but it's usually short-lived and it isn't an issue with most people. One thing that helps is to pay strict attention to the fasting/drinking instructions they'll give you beforehand. That cookie might seem like nothing when you're hungry before you go in, but you'll regret it upon waking up.

    Also, depending on the anesthesia and your particular reaction to it, you'll almost undoubtedly have some period - a few seconds to an hour or so - of time where you are lucid but don't have functional short-term memory... meaning you might say naughty things to your neurosurgeon but then will have no idea why he's looking at you like that later on.... ;)

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  • greenbobb
    Apr 30, 10:25 AM
    iOS evolution from 1 to 4 is somewhat disappointing. It has become somewhat stale, especially for the iPad. Hopefully iOS 5 is a big leap forward.

    Yeah, it seems like they only make enough improvements to stay in the game, and aren't super interested in really mind-blowing advances. It's the little things that count for sure, but for all the hype you'd think we'd get something mind-boggling every once in a while.


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  • mauka
    Mar 24, 07:15 PM
    This is a real surprising trend for Apple products, I cannot recall such deep discounts on the "old" model of anything in the past. I have an iPad1 and was planning to sell it and get an iPad2. But the "value" of both just when south by 40% to 50%.

    What I mean is - I can't be the only one thinking if I wait until the iPad3 comes along I'll be able to grab an iPad2 for 40% off.

    I have to wonder what Apple is planning to prevent this from happening next year?

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  • MarkyMark
    Oct 24, 01:41 PM
    i really wonder: why not "made in america" or "made in europe"? :confused:

    They do (or at least certainly did three years ago, and I think still) make a lot of macs in Ireland. Macs made there have serial numbers which start CK. Apple were one of the top two employers there last time I heard (can't remember if they or Guinness were the biggest).


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  • jav6454
    Apr 13, 12:49 AM
    My guess, tons of GSM models going to scalpers. Scalpers probably weren't surveyed. :p

    As usual tons if ignorant remarks about CDMA in this thread.

    CDMA as dead tech and slow? Not ignorant remark. However, GSM is also a dead tech.

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  • aristotle
    May 5, 02:57 PM
    Canada, you're screwed. :(
    Oh please. If the NDP had got in then Canada would be royally screwed. The NDP has a poor record in a number of provinces of running the provincial governments into deep deficits and scaring away businesses.

    I would take the opinion piece from someone with the Toronto Star with a little bit of salt. They are like the Huffington Post of Canada or a left leaning Canadian version of those British tabloids that they try to pass for "newspapers" in England.

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  • Sydde
    May 2, 03:00 PM
    Ill agree with you on Lack of Education and Religious Extremism. Resentment, somewhat. I tend to think that if we just leave them the heck alone to do whatever they want and be as Shariah as they please we will see less terror attempts.
    Terrorism typically arises from some sort of injustice. I think there is some truth to the clich� "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." But "leaving them alone" is somewhat problematic as long as we support multinational enterprise that seeks to extract maximum profit in every corner of the world. Even if the business s not based in America, America is the most prominent target.
    I know it is not apples-to-apples, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the National Geographic on North Korea? One part that struck my nerve was at the end when the doctors were removing the bandages from the patients eyes, one of the North Koreans first thing to do was go praise a poster of Ill and promise to "Destroy the american scum with my new eyes" or something like that, despite the fact that much of the equipment used to complete the surgeries was American made and American funded IIRC.

    Most likely, the government expects this sort of show of loyalty, when they are paying for your treatment. If you do not do this, you would probably labeled as seditiously ungrateful and they would find some way to make your life miserable.

    May 3, 12:26 AM
    Hm, that pretty much sounds the same as the difference between conservatives and liberals in the US for the most part. Hope they don't try to take away your universal health care!

    The Conservatives are for some privatization, or as they call it "alternative delivery", but I doubt the population will allow them to completely privatize healthcare. Normally I'm for a smaller government, but when it comes to healthcare you can only either trust the corporations who make lots of money off of you when you're sick, or you can trust the government. In this case I trust the government a lot more.

    Mar 28, 08:21 AM
    Can't wait to see what they announce. It would be nice to see a bigger jump than usual for iOS and hopefully a shipping date for Lion.

    Apr 15, 07:27 AM
    So yes, Microsoft server is so successful because its just the best. :rolleyes:

    Yes, the best at multiplying it's installed base number by just the fact that it requires so much redundancy. ;)

    Let's not even get into licensing... CALs, Per computer, Per user, Per what now ?

    Jun 10, 03:02 PM
    Well software all is mostly OK, but there is a lot of stuff still in Mac OS X (which is now in the root of Old Categories) still to be moved.

    349 edits later, and I'm calling it a day.

    Jun 11, 12:18 PM
    I got a Nexus One on T-Mobile. My bill with 500 minutes (free nights and weekends) unlimited text, data plus taxes and fees comes to $65. Compare this to an AT&T plan and you pay more for just phone (less minutes). I would switch to the iPhone as soon I as can have it on my plan.


    depends on who you are. my bill with 500 more minutes and rollover, 1500 text and unlimited data is only $7 more than yours. of course I have had my voice plan for almost 8 years

    and tmobile is simply awful