design your own wallpaper

design your own wallpaper. Create Your Own Wallpaper!
  • Create Your Own Wallpaper!

  • menziep
    Sep 25, 09:52 AM
    Semi Live updates here

    Apature 1.5 is here!

    design your own wallpaper. create your own wallpaper
  • create your own wallpaper

  • jsquared
    Jul 11, 12:10 AM
    We have a laptop and I still have my iPhone. There's about 20 people in line now. It's just after midnight...if you couldn't tell by the time the post was made.:apple:

    design your own wallpaper. Wallpaper cover: design your
  • Wallpaper cover: design your

  • grawk
    Feb 27, 10:49 PM
    Apple has bragged that they had only one version of OS X (compared to the half dozen versions of Windows), so if this is "done right" they could really make good on that promise. There doesn't seem to be that much fundamentally different in the underpinnings of Snow Leopard and Snow Leopard Server. If the server version of Lion doesn't lose anything then it should be fine, as far as what I need, at least.

    IMHO, anyone who has considered Apple servers for heavy, or even medium, duty use has always been living dangerously. Between single source hardware and miniscule market share, why take the chance? For my SOHO use, it's been working out just fine.

    Single source hardware is an asset to server reliability, not a detriment. Compare linux uptimes to AIX, Solaris, or HPUX, and there's no contest. Having 1 company on the hook for everything helps make things run way more smoothly. The trend towards linux in the data center is a detriment that mirrors wall street, with short term costs overruling long term benefit.

    design your own wallpaper. Net Tutorial] Make your own
  • Net Tutorial] Make your own

  • Moyank24
    Apr 1, 02:41 AM
    Houston, TX here. I got gas this morning and it was $3.59/gallon.


    design your own wallpaper. Make your own DVDs and Blu-ray
  • Make your own DVDs and Blu-ray

  • Lord Appleseed
    Apr 25, 03:18 AM
    Retina Display
    backlit keyboard Option (so everyone who wants to have it can have it)
    bigger SSD drives
    faster/newer processor
    upgradable Ram

    design your own wallpaper. Floral background design with
  • Floral background design with

  • thirtyeyes
    Jun 16, 02:03 PM
    Apple CEO: I have this great new product...
    Verizon CEO: This will never go anywhere. i-what. That's a stupid


    design your own wallpaper. The new Create Your Own Theme
  • The new Create Your Own Theme

  • tristangage
    Apr 23, 05:17 AM
    Around the Manchester area, it's about �1.40 per litre of unleaded.
    That's 2.3$/litre.
    If I do the maths right, that's 3.7854118 * 2.3
    Which equates to 8.706$/gallon.

    Pretty expensive over here at the moment.

    design your own wallpaper. Create your own Theme!
  • Create your own Theme!

  • bearbo
    Oct 10, 08:58 AM
    see, you just proved me right ;)
    ehh.. you know wikipedia isn't always right, right?


    design your own wallpaper. images your own design,
  • images your own design,

  • Andronicus
    Aug 19, 12:09 PM

    Thank you sir! Just disabled my auto-enabled anti-privacy settings.

    That's a good article I like the first comment by a poster there, "Nice to see facebook took all that bad press about their privacy settings so seriously."

    design your own wallpaper. as wallpaper on your own
  • as wallpaper on your own

  • amacgenius
    Sep 1, 01:38 AM
    Who wants to take bets on when the update will be released on torrent sites and FTP servers just like the dev beta? :D


    design your own wallpaper. design your own background
  • design your own background

  • Eraserhead
    May 16, 02:05 AM
    Hmm, maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective though, why don't you think it's clear?

    Because most Apple products have hardware AND software so you might not know where to look for your specific issue/for the information you want.

    For example if I was looking up information on the iPod Touch, there will be information on the hardware and information on the software, but they will be in different places.

    design your own wallpaper. Themeleon: Create Your Own
  • Themeleon: Create Your Own

  • Mr-Stabby
    Mar 3, 03:15 PM
    Thanks for the screenshots.

    Slightly concerned that some services appear to be either missing altogether or lacking in functionality.

    Hopefully we'll see them appear before the final version appears. It seems from the look of those screenshots that a lot of stuff has been re-written from the ground up.

    I'm liking the look of the new web based features :)


    design your own wallpaper. Your Own Brushes Image 04
  • Your Own Brushes Image 04

  • baryon
    Mar 22, 06:33 AM
    Imagine holding an iPad upright to watch a two hour movie.

    That's why you can buy that case as an accessory, it holds the iPad upright.

    While I don't think the iPad is a device for schools and serious stuff, it's awesome for when you want to watch a movie in an airplane or bus. In an airplane, you can't use your laptop since there isn't enough space to open it because of the seat in front of you, so the only way you could watch a movie on a plane is either by taking an iPhone/iPod Touch, or using a portable DVD player (yuck!). But if you want a bigger screen, you can get the iPad and it will fit in the 10cm space between your head and the seat in front of you perfectly.

    Watching a movie on a laptop would drain the battery within 1 or 2 hours anyway, while on the iPad you can easily watch 3 movies and still have some battery left (if the 10 hour battery life is true).

    design your own wallpaper. Making your own graffiti
  • Making your own graffiti

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 15, 10:03 PM
    I'd like to help. I think my PS3 can do Folding.

    you most certainly can fold with a ps3 go here to get the client software (


    design your own wallpaper. Design your own Wallpaper*
  • Design your own Wallpaper*

  • cybrscot
    Apr 1, 10:55 AM
    I think this is an April Fools joke too gang! It's the list of new channels that they added which gives it away.....they are terrible! Jewelry TV?? What the....????

    design your own wallpaper. Printed Space: Design Your Own
  • Printed Space: Design Your Own

  • Analog Kid
    Nov 22, 10:50 AM
    Hold up! 9% is and Ideal Carnot Engine efficiency. Real World efficiecny would be about 1/5. So, at most you are going to get 1.8W and thats if the fans dissipate 100W of heat which is ridiculously high number. I would see it around 20W, meaning your recycled energy would be .37W. What can you do with that? Oh right power partially a fan.
    Sorry, where is this other .2 multiplier coming from? The scenario given was 9% conversion efficiency which would be 50% of the the ideal heat engine efficiency of 18% conversion efficiency.


    design your own wallpaper. Design your own cover!
  • Design your own cover!

  • MacNeXT
    Apr 9, 06:32 PM
    guys, if you really want to make some SERIOUS word-processing, i suggest you to try the LaTeX system :)
    LyX is what i miss most since i switch from linux to mac.

    I agree, I just made the switch. Once you're familiar with LaTeX, which will take some time, you will think anything else (including Word) is crap. I use TeXShop (, which I think is good, but I haven't tried any others.

    design your own wallpaper. design your own wallpaper
  • design your own wallpaper

  • Compufix
    Sep 20, 06:04 PM
    That's really interesting! You just held "c" at boot to load up the XP CD?

    I'm guessing you still needed to use a "slipstreamed" XP SP2 CD with the SATA drivers installed so it doesn't run in dog slow PIO mode

    Where the hell did you find chipset drivers, graphics card drivers, sound card drivers etc? :confused:

    You still need a driver CD from Apple for all can get that from someone that installed Bootcamp....

    Supposedly the new EFI update for Mac Pro (just released) solves the PIO problem without needs to slipstream the XP CD. I won't know until tomorrow, however I already did the slipstream who knows what will happen.

    design your own wallpaper. to create your very own
  • to create your very own

  • 4JNA
    Apr 17, 11:58 PM
    Ultimately where does all this research go? Who is benefitting from it all? I can't help but think that all this research will just enable some multi-billion dollar drug company to come up with some pill that they can patent and make billions of more dollars. I tried reading the faqs of Folding@home, but it does not really say where all this research is going. I am sure the scientists mean well with their research, but ultimately they will not be the ones creating the drugs to cure these diseases. Drug companies will be doing that, and they are strictly profit oriented.

    per the FAQ on the F@H page...

    Who "owns" the results? What will happen to them?

    "Unlike other distributed computing projects, Folding@home is run by an academic institution (specifically the Pande Group, at Stanford University's - Chemistry Department), which is a nonprofit institution dedicated to science research and education. We will not sell the data or make any money off of it.

    Moreover, we will make the data available for others to use. In particular, the results from Folding@home will be made available on several levels. Most importantly, analysis of the simulations will be submitted to scientific journals for publication, and these journal articles will be posted on the web page after publication. Next, after publication of these scientific articles that analyze the data, the raw data of the folding runs will be available for everyone, including other researchers, here on this web site."

    it's open source science. everyone participates, everyone wins.

    2) My electricity prices are going up by about 10% so I really don't like the idea of my iMac running 24-7 eating up electricity, and adding to the wear and tear of my system. I'm not sure what the monthly cost would be running Folding@home, but I'm sure it adds up.

    the cost of gasoline is up also, but i still drive my paper/plastic/glass to the city recycle point to keep it out of a landfill. i guess i don't get the point of the question. if you can afford the small increase in cost due to additional electrical usage, then fold. if not, don't.

    no idea which system you have, but a quick guesstimate of a current imac running folding with the screen set to turn off when not being used would be around 100-120w, so like leaving a light bulb on. well, an old school incandescent bulb... you do have all LED and CFLs since you worry about electric rates, right?

    if i had only an imac and a desire to fold, i'd leave the imac alone and build a cheap pc system to fold with. no wear and tear, better results, lower cost. just my 2 cents.

    Mar 24, 02:32 PM (

    Nov 14, 02:17 PM
    Does anyone else find it really really really weird that Apple would announce it today and an airline that is mentioned is denying that a deal was even close to fruition? Someone got their lines crossed/translations screwy I think. Sheesh.:confused:

    Apr 26, 03:48 PM
    Yeah I paired it manually but it didn't work.

    May 24, 09:59 PM
    we are in 21 place.

    Nov 11, 05:52 PM
    Just wondering how Japan perceives Apple as a company - if anyone knows. I know they don't like Microsoft (as in Xbox). I can't imagine they sell many Apple computers over there. Ipods a different story?

    Much like how Apple is viewed in North America. Design-minded users love Macs, those that are more "office"-minded dislike them. I'm generalizing, of course, but I believe that sums it up fairly accurately.