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  • basesloaded190
    Mar 26, 03:09 PM
    So he really doesn't wear anything besides jeans and black turtleneck...huh :)

    jeep modificados. jeep modificados. ¿jeep?
  • jeep modificados. ¿jeep?

  • Waybo
    Mar 4, 10:29 PM

    I know I must be overtired ... I actually reached out and touched my screen to see if this was really 3-dimensional!

    jeep modificados. jeep modificados. jeje los
  • jeep modificados. jeje los

  • harley3k
    Mar 23, 03:06 PM
    This would greatly improve the usability of airplay, in my opinion.

    Imagine you had your TV on some random channel, while surfing the internet on your iPad. If your TV supported AirPlay, then you could just click the Airplay button on your iPad, and the random channel would be changed to the Airplay content. You wouldn't have to change the tuners over to Apple TV. Much more convenient.


    Fumbling for a different remote to change the input-channel on the TV is currently a minor barrier to using it. Especially when you just want to show a photo or something quickly.

    This also falls in line with Steve Jobs' own comments about AppleTV when he said "No one wants another box".

    jeep modificados. jeep modificados.
  • jeep modificados.

  • Steradian
    May 6, 12:33 AM
    There is a great sense of community with us Mac users, something that I love. I LOVE my mac, I use windoze all the just dosen't work for me...I am a curse to PC's...I cause Blue Screen's of Death whereever I roam. When I do my Programing for Comp Sci @ my HS, I have to do a restart at least 4 times a week OY! But do understand that it is running Win95...So I can't blame the comp too much...I take all sorts of crap everyday from my PC using friends, who all bash apple. Reason? none...Yeah...


    jeep modificados. imagen
  • imagen

  • Mitch1984
    Oct 10, 08:01 AM
    I bet it will be a 15" MacBook

    jeep modificados. Pick Up Jeep Willys 1947
  • Pick Up Jeep Willys 1947

  • Keleko
    Mar 3, 06:45 AM
    Ooo, I'm gonna be first. I took this during the Fernbank Museum (in Atlanta) visit that I'm posting my mythical creatures photos. I was rather self conscious taking this photo, and I wanted to make sure I was not seen doing it. When I saw this scene I was struck by more than one contrast going on. The one I didn't include was with the kids that were also with the couple, but I didn't feel comfortable getting a shot with the kids, too. (


    jeep modificados. modificados o extraños.
  • modificados o extraños.

  • Bubba Satori
    Mar 25, 12:29 PM
    Darn greedy company.

    Don't talk about iApple that way.

    jeep modificados. Asi fue como compre el jeep.
  • Asi fue como compre el jeep.

  • nylonsteel
    Apr 5, 09:27 AM
    ah - good ol woz - the funny aapl family uncle


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  • jeep modificados. modificado y

  • coder12
    Apr 14, 10:55 PM
    It's a boom microphone with a windscreen on it.

    Nope! That's the swiffer XL-4SxyYQERupupdowndownleftrightleftrightabenterDAF!$r44q limited edition ceiling duster! I'd know because I own four of them and am the official spokesman for its fan club. ;)

    jeep modificados. jeep modificados.
  • jeep modificados.

  • citizenzen
    Apr 12, 06:55 PM
    Imagine you move to a country where nobody talks to white people. White people are totally ignored, irrespective of anything. Naturally then, if you employed a white person to work in a shop they'd do an awful job because they wouldn't be able to serve any of the racist clientele.

    You're saying "they'd do an awful job," when in reality there's no way to judge how well they were able to perform because they were never given a chance to demonstrate their capabilities.

    So let's reword your sentence to be more accurate ...

    Naturally then, if you employed a white person to work in a shop they'd never have a chance to prove their capability because they wouldn't be able to serve any of the racist clientele.

    You going to fire a person because of that?

    Personally, I'd be looking for better customers. Normally, I think of people who do business with disgusting and loathsome customers as whores.


    jeep modificados.

  • Slip Jigs
    Dec 28, 11:12 AM
    I found this interesting, apparently people can't buy an iphone online from AT&T delivered to NY. However, you can still get it at stores.

    What do you guys think? Fraud? Just a glitch? Or desperate measure by AT&T to stop the congestion?

    Umm - did you read any of this thread at all?

    jeep modificados. jeep modificados.
  • jeep modificados.

  • autrefois
    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    Well, let's see... the Zune comes out today. The iPod has been out for about 5 years (?) now. So it took Apple 5 years to have them integrate with airplanes. Shame on Apple for not innovating quicker. Shame, shame, shame. And shame on MS for not innovating quicker too. The Zune's only been out, what,... a few hours and it still can't integrate with planes? Shame on MS. :rolleyes:

    Seriously.... what's with all this Zune bashing? This story isn't even about the Zune, yet someone just had to post something about it. I'm not defending MS or anyone. It's just that I get's pretty redundant when everyone praises Apple and bashes on everyone else (especially MS), like Apple can do no wrong. I bet you haven't even played with a Zune yet. It's like people who say they don't like Japanese food or something. And when asked if they've tried it, they say no. How the hell do you know whether you like somethinig or not when you haven't even tried it yet?

    Apple fan boys...... :rolleyes:

    That's about the funniest thing I've heard, being called an Apple fanboy. Since you replied to my post, I assume you're at least in part referring to me.

    I am almost always critical of Apple here on Macrumors, either directly or indirectly, in my posts. Either that, or trying to poke fun at Apple's expense. Their business practices, their business partners, their pricing, their overheating laptops, etc. I'm always worried people with think I'm a troll, which I'm not. I love Apple products, and have given them (entirely too much of) my money over the years, but I realize the company is not perfect and can get better. I occasionally am under the RDF, but try to keep a reasonably critical mind about things.

    My post was just meant to be funny. MS's Zune wasn't even out yet, so no I didn't expected airplane integration immediately. And apparently Apple even make sure all their partners knew about the announcement before making it, so that's rather embarrassing for them.

    I agree the Zune should be judged on its own merit. My guess is that as an MS product it will probably not be as good as the iPod (heck, Microsoft doesn't even put their name on the box for the Zune) but it will probably gain ground sooner rather than later since people will assume (correctly or not) that Microsoft works better with Microsoft, just like Apple works better with Apple.


    jeep modificados. Fotos de JEEP MODIFICADO

  • Deputy-Dawg
    Sep 25, 10:55 PM
    Kimberly Clark fought, and lost, the same battle over 'kleenex' becoming a generic noun for facial tissue. Bayer lost it over 'asprin' as the name for sodium acetosalcylate. And there are numerous other examples. All were lost because the owners of the trade name did not vigorously defend their trade name. Apple is doing what it must. Will they suceed? If history is any clue probably not

    jeep modificados. Jeep Esportivo, Modificado -
  • Jeep Esportivo, Modificado -

  • wolfpackfan
    Apr 1, 09:35 AM
    I do hate to loose the Discovery Channel, but as long as I still have SyFy, Travel, History and CNN I guess I'm happy.


    jeep modificados. jeep modificados. Aqui ya modificado: Aqui ya modificado: BeerDrinker29. May 5, 07:49 PM. I was doing my part, downloading the archive like any good
  • jeep modificados. Aqui ya modificado: Aqui ya modificado: BeerDrinker29. May 5, 07:49 PM. I was doing my part, downloading the archive like any good

  • rpenzinger
    Apr 5, 09:57 AM
    and in september iPad 3 will move to #1 spot putting iPad 2 in second and original iPad in 3rd. And in 2012 iPad 4 will move to first...but i digress.

    First off, leave my post alone.
    Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.

    jeep modificados. jeep modificados.
  • jeep modificados.

  • fourthtunz
    Sep 15, 07:55 PM
    OS X is great, but if I can render something in 1/3 the time for 1/3 the price, what do you think I'm gonna choose? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Sounds like your not using X.2 or a New Mac.
    Why do you waste your time on here?
    Again, find a better deal than the New dual 867 on the Pc side, I'll buy it.


    jeep modificados. Vendi¡o jeep willys modificado
  • Vendi¡o jeep willys modificado

  • fcortese
    Mar 9, 02:10 PM
    ^^^ dslade-nice concept. Several contrasts here some obvious, some subtle. Obvious- B&W coloring; Subtle- in focus keys: A-to-Z, and Q&A.

    jeep modificados. de compas jeep modificado
  • de compas jeep modificado

  • -SD-
    Apr 12, 03:50 PM
    It was announced, ... that with SP1, contacts, calendar and notes can now be synced through iTunes. BUT it doesn't! Anyone know what happened?

    It does. You need to go into Tools --> Synch Services and enable calendar sync. I then restarted Outlook and iTunes, synced my iPhone (Info --> Advanced --> Replace info on this iPhone) and everything was there when I went into the calendar.


    EDIT: It also keeps the category colours from Outlook which is awesome, as Entourage never managed to do this.

    jeep modificados. modificados para soportar
  • modificados para soportar

  • gregorsamsa
    Nov 5, 05:56 AM
    From Macworld, Oct. 19th 2006..

    According to IDC’s report, the growth puts Apple’s market share at 5.8 percent (fourth place overall), ahead of Toshiba at 4.2 percent. Dell topped the U.S. market with 31 percent, but suffered a negative growth rate of -6.7 percent. The top 5 is rounded out by HP with a 22 percent share and Gateway with a 6 percent share.

    Apple's 5.8% marketshare would be far higher if it wasn't for the corporate bulk-buying of PCs for business; plus all the end of line, bargain-basement PCs that may figure in any such report.

    Mar 26, 12:42 PM
    Why not just have high fuel taxes ala Europe?In CT we are taxed I believe 50 cents on every gallon. The problem is that as gas prices rise people buy less of it and the taxes dry up.

    Sep 1, 04:58 AM
    how do they release the preview to developers and not let loose the super secret features? are all the super secret features all applications which don't need testing?

    or will there be another round of betas?:confused: :confused: :confused:

    Feb 24, 07:39 PM
    Oooh... looks like we have the faux small-government types coming in! If you're worried about wasting of money, keep in mind that your government spends way more money on propaganda launched at you and empire-building than it does on the federal trade commission.

    There's nothing "Faux" about me bub. I don't want to spend money on wars, empire building, bailing out banks, paying for ever expanding social programs, propaganda campaigns, the FTC, The FCC, The ATF, the whatever commission we'll implement this week to take care of a make believe problem, OR trying to regulate my app purchases because one of my kids might rack up a bill. I'll take care of my kids, money, and app purchases without government intervention ,thank you. How's that for Faux?

    Mar 27, 07:03 AM
    I just wonder how it is comfortable to cross your legs like that. That is all I wonder...

    Aug 14, 11:40 AM
    I have had several co-workers come by my office to ask me about Macs since the ads started to air. Two have made the switch and are rippingly happy about it. I hear comments like " iPhoto really does see my camera and open when I plug the USB cord in" and " Mail is so much easier than the e-mail on my PeeCee was" all the time. I believe that anyone who feels antagonized by the ads really needs to take a close look at themselves. After all. they are only ads. I have yet to meet a hard core Windows user who has taken offense at the ads. Our IT guys here are always razing me about Macs, but they think the ads are cool. I like to remind out IT director that he sort of looks like the PeeCee guy. In my humble opinion, the vast majority of folks out there realize that these are ADVERTISEMENTS and do not take any offense.