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  • Thomas Veil
    Dec 7, 07:01 PM

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 12, 06:55 PM
    Imagine you move to a country where nobody talks to white people. White people are totally ignored, irrespective of anything. Naturally then, if you employed a white person to work in a shop they'd do an awful job because they wouldn't be able to serve any of the racist clientele.

    You're saying "they'd do an awful job," when in reality there's no way to judge how well they were able to perform because they were never given a chance to demonstrate their capabilities.

    So let's reword your sentence to be more accurate ...

    Naturally then, if you employed a white person to work in a shop they'd never have a chance to prove their capability because they wouldn't be able to serve any of the racist clientele.

    You going to fire a person because of that?

    Personally, I'd be looking for better customers. Normally, I think of people who do business with disgusting and loathsome customers as whores.

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  • fixyourthinking
    Oct 26, 03:05 PM
    Only edits lossless not compressed files.

    It doesn't edit AACs or MP3s.

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  • bullrat
    Sep 14, 09:16 AM
    I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.

    I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.

    I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.

    Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.

    The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!



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  • ThaDoggg
    Mar 25, 08:35 AM
    Greedy or not, if Apple and RIM are part of some patent infringement they have to pay up.

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 5, 08:34 AM
    The area around the home button looks unusual.

    I agree that it's likely a fake.


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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 10:48 PM
    Hum, you do understand all those big financial institutions and banks don't actually use Windows server for their big enterprise level CRMs and other important packages right ?

    Unix and Linux are used for way more than just "web server". Maybe you should try working 1 day in IT before you talk about IT. ;)

    Of course, you probably don't want to hear the truth and wouldn't accept it anyhow, keep believing in Windows' importance because that's what you see on the desktop, I'll keep working on real OSes in my cushy IT job far away from anything made by Redmond.


    IDC: Windows dominates Linux in servers, not just the desktop
    Windows beats Linux when it comes to servers by well over a three-to-one margin, as it has for at least a year.

    IDC: Windows Server dominates server revenue for Q4 2010
    IDC reports Windows Server has increased its market share by revenue to 42.1%, , far ahead of its nearest rival, Unix, at 25.6% and Linux at 17%.
    IDC notes that Microsoft Windows server demand was positively impacted by the x86 server market refresh as hardware revenue increased 16.8% year over year.
    Windows servers generated Quarterly revenue of $6.3 billion for represented 42.1% of overall quarterly factory revenue from the shipment of 1.5 million servers, the highest quarterly total ever reported for Windows servers.

    Don't presume just because you have an "IT job in unix or whatever", that everyone else who doesn't work at your company is a computer idiot. Not that this has any impact on "IDC research" but I've actually worked with languages from PL/1 (that is...Programming Language One!) up to .NET. And I can tell you that most of these "Windows bashing / Linux conquest rhetorics" are only taken up by actual computer idiots who just follow one side of hype...or college kids (who at least don't know any better...yet). Go to a REAL computer forum like Ars Technica and see what they think of "enterprise Macs" there. ;)

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  • garybUK
    Mar 24, 08:35 AM
    I can't tell if you're feigning ignorance in the interest of having a laugh, or if you have really bought into the ol' stereotypes. Or maybe my sarcasm detector is broken.

    1. Did you know Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW all manufacture cars in the USA?


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  • yg17
    Apr 24, 01:54 PM
    What has Obama really done besides go on vacation for the last few years? How the hell has he raised any bar? Tell me what all he promised to do and then tell me exactly how many of those things he has accomplished so far.


    Replace the **** with a certain 4 letter word that begins with f and rhymes with duck.

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  • saving107
    Oct 6, 10:39 AM
    No way in hell. They've already asked their developers to change app resolutions once. 3 screen sizes will never fly with developers.

    99.999% likelihood of this being total nonsense.

    its possible to have a 10" iPad and a 7" inch iPad, as long as they both have the same resolution, screen size doesn't really matter to developers, they wouldn't have to change anything on their apps. Same goes for the iPhone/iPod touch, Apple could have multiple screen sizes, but still keep the same resolution for all of their devices.

    that being said, I don't believe Apple will make multiple sizes.


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  • DakotaGuy
    Aug 1, 07:32 PM
    With but $1,500 worth of equipment and some ingenuity, security researcher Chris Paget can create his own cell phone tower.
    Here's the catch, however: The tower itself isn't real. It's a fake recreation of a GSM base station that allows Paget to overpower the actual signals from real-life base stations. The end result? Cell phones connect to PagetNet�or whatever name he's assigned his creation�thinking that they're accessing an actual cell phone tower.
    When that happens, Paget can listen in to the conversations and/or record them at his leisure. His device�an International Mobile Identity Subscriber catcher�bounces the call to an actual cell phone tower and the user is none the wiser, save for the fact that all inbound calls now go directly to said user's voicemail as the carrier considers the actual phone off-network.

    Read Entire Article


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  • ewinemiller
    Sep 13, 10:17 AM
    Originally posted by nuckinfutz


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  • bishopduke
    Oct 26, 12:54 PM
    I used Cool Edit a lot in college to do radio drops etc. I loved it. It was really just a wav editor. Then Adobe bought it, and I haven't used it since. Although It seems they kept true to the heart of the software. I still prefer what is now called Adobe Audition over Soundtrack. Although, they really are pretty different.

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  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 26, 02:54 AM
    I guess Apple has a problem with the free advertising, for some reason. Being associated with new technology like podcasting seems like something Apple would like to foster.

    Would they prefer them to be called 'Zune-casts' ???

    I'm with ya, Onizuka!

    You know what? There was an ex-MTV VJ that made his own show using a Powerbook and two mics and he called it "Podcasting." There was an issue of Wired Magazine with him on the cover damn near two years ago. People were using the term "podcast" before Apple did. Apple has no right to do thsi to teh people who've made their player the most successful MP3/Portable Media device EVER.

    *kicks steve jobs in the nuts for allowing this*


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  • mactastic
    May 22, 09:52 AM
    Hey, who cares? Enjoy your pc, if it works for you thats great. I'll be interested to see how you feel about the "almost computer" after the 970 release... or the dual 970's...

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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 18, 06:39 AM
    Welcome gman20 to the team :)

    Your stats: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=510277

    Great to see some new users, also great to see our active users increase :D


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  • CubusX
    Jun 11, 09:34 AM
    Now for the past month these same analysts were predicting that Verizon was the next carrier.

    I guess now everyone will be getting on the T-Mobile band wagon, until the rumor fades away, just like the Verizon rumor.

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  • bushido
    Apr 25, 01:50 PM
    i bet u half the people wouldn't even understand how to install a OS without a physical disc, not everyone is as involved with stuff like that.

    if i were to ask my family what "mount an image" means none of them would know what i'm talking about lol

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  • e28
    Oct 9, 04:23 PM
    If you can watch an HD movie over your satilite or cable system then somehow the cable or stilite company found a way to electronically distribute the HD content to you. That 25GB of data found a way to get into your house. Not only did it get into the huse but it did it in real time

    This is quite different from on-demand hd download. Cable and satellite bandwidth is much greater than traditional internet and it's multicast.

    However, for a 25GB movie you only need about a 4 MBPS to stream it (that is, start watching as soon as you start downloading). Most 5-6 MBPS dsl packages are available now for $35/mo, so it doesn't seem that far off.

    I think Wal-mart wanted cheaper dvd prices to be more competitive with Target and now Target is trying to get the same treatment. The winning solution is that the studios will probably allow Wal-mart and Target to sell downloadable movies, too, and everyone will be happy except for Wal-mart who will still want cheaper dvd prices.

    Truth is, the downloads are less than dvd quality, don't have extras, you need broadband internet and a fast computer or an iPod, and you can't wrap them up and give them as gifts. DVD's will continue to sell well even at a higher price (especially at Wal-mart and Target).

    Dec 23, 07:25 PM
    I find that song crass and rude.
    But X Factor songs are so cheesy and naff as well.
    I prefer the Clash.

    Mar 24, 06:58 PM
    Funny thing, my wife and I were discussing first gen iPad earlier this morning. I told her how Apple had the 16gb refurbished for $349 but that they were sold out. Fast forward four hours or so and I see this story on MacRumors. We both agreed we should jump on this deal. I immediately began calling a few stores in the LA area. Lucky for me, the rep says he has a couple 16gb models remaining. I tell the rep I'll be there within the hour and I hop in the car and drive the 20 miles to the store. Imagine how I felt when he tells me they're all out and that they put 32gb models where 16gb should be. I was livid, but I held my composure and called another store about 10 miles away. I told them my story and insisted they hold it with my name.

    When the rep at the second store came out with the box, the first thing he tells me is, "You want a 64gb, right?" I could feel my pulse rising. And then he said, "Just kidding." All I could do was smile, because he got me good and because I just saved 40% off an iPad and didn't even have to use GEICO.

    Oct 10, 08:42 AM
    any proof other than you are pretty sure?

    You can also find Xeon information on Intel's Core 2 Duo page...

    Where is your proof that the Woodcrest Xeon is not built on Core?

    Apr 28, 09:58 AM
    I don't see anything in Lion that would warrant that kind of pricing: some minor UI changes and lots of under-the-hood optimizations...sounds a whole lot like Snow Leopard.

    Not at all. SL had no major new consumer-level features. Lion has Mission Control, Resume, Versions/autosave, Launchpad, fullscreen apps, Airdrop, full disk encryption, and rededesigned Mail/Address Book/iCal apps.

    Apr 14, 08:19 AM
    It's about $3.90 here. But that sucks, because it costs like 65 bucks to fill my Jeep. Gas Guzzler, the price you pay to be able to drive in snow.