doug funny

doug funny. Doug Funny Cartoon Characters.
  • Doug Funny Cartoon Characters.

  • mcrain
    Apr 12, 03:28 PM
    Not to mention when dealing with these types of cases, discrimination is not generally proved in hiring cases with evidence from a single case, but rather over a whole set of applicants.

    Just look at the Walmart case for a good example of how these things are proven. There, it wasn't just that one woman didn't get a promotion, but that there was clear evidence of policies and practices that promoted men and not otherwise equivelent women.

    doug funny. doug funny characters. doug
  • doug funny characters. doug

  • GGJstudios
    May 5, 12:43 PM
    I fail to see how a free antivirus is a tax.
    It's a tax on system resources, not financial.

    doug funny. Doug Funny Facebook Statistics
  • Doug Funny Facebook Statistics

  • lazyrighteye
    Oct 27, 05:44 PM
    This was one of the most handy little apps that I lost when OS X hit the scene. Super intuitive, super effective.

    I have Peak and Pro Tools and neither handle those simple, everyday audio needs like a SoundEdit 16 could.

    I very much think there is an audience for Soundbooth and that it will be well received. Based on my experienced with SoundEdit 16, if Soundbooth were Universal, I'd more than likely purchase... immediately.

    doug funny. doug funny. skeeter from doug funny; skeeter from doug funny. yellow. Apr 11, 01:47 PM
  • doug funny. skeeter from doug funny; skeeter from doug funny. yellow. Apr 11, 01:47 PM

  • BigBeast
    Apr 26, 07:58 PM
    Probably because you can actually buy devices with USB 3.0, and at a reasonable price.

    I think Thunderbolt is a great idea, and it would be super on the MacBook Air (personally I'd love to see a Thunderbolt Gigabit Ethernet adapter), which is why I named it in the above list, but USB 3.0 is much more widespread and so the peripherals are cheaper.

    Compare it to FireWire 800 devices: It would have been great to have an external drive with that connection but I never bought one because in the end it was too much of a price difference. It's a lot easier to put up with USB 2 speeds if it costs 40% less than FW800.

    I hope Apple and intel will push Thunderbolt agressively and won't let it become a niche port like the way FW800 ended up. So yes, I do think there is a high risk of it becoming the next firewire.

    Personally I'd prefer both but I don't see it happening in the next MBA, not until intel integrates it in their chipset.

    USB 3 is more widespread than Thunderbolt (since nothing is yet on the market for TB) but saying "much more" is a bit of a misnomer. USB 2.0 is WIDESPREAD. USB 3.0 has actually shown a very slow uptake by computer and peripheral manufacturers.

    You can't compare FW 800 to TB. Here's why: FW 800 while a better IO, was only slightly better than USB 2. Therefore, with the added cost of FW 800 and the minimal increase in performance over USB 2, FW wasn't going to flourish.

    However, comparing USB 3 to TB is like comparing VHS to Blu-ray. TB is REMARKABLY faster than USB 3. Couple that with the fact that TB allows for simutaneous transfer in BOTH DIRECTIONS at consistently close to theoretical speeds of 10 Gb/s. USB however as always, fluctuates in speed and almost NEVER reaches close to theoretical speeds and is only one way transfer. TB can daisy chain up to FOUR 1080p HD streams simultaneously (if I recall correctly) while I don't think USB 3 can do even 1.

    Add this to the fact that Intel WANTS this tech to reach mass adoption and will make the tech available at cheap prices, it's a no brainer that TB WILL be adopted. Even IF TB ended up being a $20 or so royalty like FW, it so easily outclasses USB 3 that I would readily pay for it.

    So like I said in my first post, why have USB 3 on a list before TB? Why have USB 3 at all? TB is where it's at.


    doug funny. Doug Funny Videos, Doug Funny
  • Doug Funny Videos, Doug Funny

  • VulchR
    Nov 7, 06:41 PM
    As if security concerns weren't bad enough if your phone gets stolen.., If this is used to pay automatically for services and merchandise, what's to prevent a thief from running up a huge balance by using a stolen iPhone's RFID? Here in the UK we have to enter a PIN when using a credit card, and that seems to deter thieves. However, there are some places that require only a signature for some bank cards - my ex's purse was stolen in London and within the thirty minutes it took to report this to the bank 300 GBR pounds were charged to her bank card. Using a mobile phone for payment is not new - it's just a stupid idea.

    doug funny. doug funny
  • doug funny

  • chisnic
    Apr 12, 03:08 PM
    It was announced, see that with SP1, contacts, calendar and notes can now be synced through iTunes. BUT it doesn't! Anyone know what happened?


    doug funny. Doug Funny with the Supreme
  • Doug Funny with the Supreme

  • weldon
    Apr 3, 02:45 PM
    What I see Pages as trying to do (again) is to define a new category.

    doug funny. doug funny. skeeter from doug funny; skeeter from doug funny. vendettabass. Sep 12, 02:58 AM. I assume the true video ipod will have the same price points
  • doug funny. skeeter from doug funny; skeeter from doug funny. vendettabass. Sep 12, 02:58 AM. I assume the true video ipod will have the same price points

  • hazz4121
    Sep 13, 06:34 PM
    sorry 10.1.5


    doug funny. Melissa amp; Doug Funny Frog
  • Melissa amp; Doug Funny Frog

  • wonderbread57
    Dec 29, 12:11 AM
    This is the stupidest POS news. AM I RIGHT? Can't buy an iPhone ONLINE in NY for a day and something is interesting about this? I can't believe CNBC is so anxiously awaiting tablet and new iphone news that they think this is significant.

    doug funny. doug funny. doug funny Image; doug funny Image. Shagrat. Nov 15, 11:18 AM. How can this get negative votes?
  • doug funny. doug funny Image; doug funny Image. Shagrat. Nov 15, 11:18 AM. How can this get negative votes?

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 14, 10:30 PM
    I havent been able to find out if the new HDD is proprietary or if MS stopped being dicks about that.
    Nope, they're still being total dicks about it. It is removable still, but still does comes in a proprietary case. There is a panel on the bottom of the case that can be removed, and you can pull out the drive, and presumably replace with bigger ones down the road. I wish they would have moved to using regular 2.5" drives like the PS3, but I doubt I'll ever need to upgrade, so it really isn't much concern for me. I still have over 30GB free on my 120GB Elite's drive.


    doug funny. funny kitten_20. doug funny
  • funny kitten_20. doug funny

  • roland.g
    Apr 1, 09:30 AM
    Looks like an even swap.

    doug funny. Nickelodeon#39;s Doug Funnie T-
  • Nickelodeon#39;s Doug Funnie T-

  • Ralion
    Mar 24, 04:15 PM
    I'm going to San Francisco tomorrow and my question how: Do I tell the difference between a corporate store and a retail partner? And is the information identifiable on the Verizon site? (I've found the store locator, but it's not helping)


    Call now and check pricing/have them hold one for you. if you wait till tomorrow I doubt you'll get one. just a guess.


    doug funny. Funny Frog Games middot; Melissa
  • Funny Frog Games middot; Melissa

  • bytethese
    Jun 18, 03:29 PM
    I went to a talk at a Computer Forensics Show a few months ago and the speaker talked about SDXC cards and how it's based on an MS standard. As far as I recall, the circuitry in the chip is different but the pinsouts are the same as SDHC. If so, any current Mac with an SD card slot should be able to be updated appropriately to read SDXC cards. Any thoughts on this?

    doug funny. Doug+funny+porkchop
  • Doug+funny+porkchop

  • RichiGarth
    Apr 5, 06:59 PM
    Before taking any pics, you would at least wiped it down a


    doug funny. Doug Funnie and Patti
  • Doug Funnie and Patti

  • MacRumors
    Oct 26, 12:48 PM (

    Adobe has introduced a competitor to Apple's SoundTrack Pro dubbed SoundBooth (

    Try Adobe� Soundbooth™. Soundbooth is a brand new application built in the spirit of Sound Edit 16 and Cool Edit that provides the tools video editors, designers, and others who do not specialize in audio need to accomplish their everyday work such as:

    -Editing audio quickly.
    -Cleaning up noisy audio.
    -Visually identifying and removing unwanted sounds.
    -Recording and polishing voiceovers.
    -Adding effects and filters.
    -Easily creating customized music—without musical expertise.

    Similar to Adobe's LightRoom ( application, SoundBooth is beginning its life as a public beta. Adobe is offering the software in Windows and Intel-Mac versions, and Adobe specifically mentions that they will not be offering a PowerPC version of the software.

    Apple is quickly moving its focus towards Intel Macs, and no longer sells Power PC systems in many places. By focusing on Apple's future, we have been able to bring this powerful application to the Mac platform much more rapidly, and with a stronger feature set.

    Adobe's Intel Mac FAQ ( still lists many of its popular programs (such as Creative Suite) as being ported to be Universal applications in their next revisions.

    SoundBooth should be available in mid-2007. Pricing is to be determined.

    [ Digg This ( ]

    doug funny. 04 Doug#39;s Funny Love
  • 04 Doug#39;s Funny Love

  • Designer Dale
    Mar 16, 02:44 PM
    [QUOTE=Waybo;12154186]//// (
    I like the crop you used here better than the original post. The frame is broken up with the subject in the left portion and the horses head leads into the right. Nice(er).

    I know I'm a bit late, but I took this on saturday partially with this challenge in mind. What do you think?
    Very good Tall Ship and the Golden Gate shot. I like the framing with the ship placed off center.

    AoB has the next Challenge posted. It is the last of the original three chosen and one of us will open a new topic thread to cover the next three in a week or so.

    Hats off to everyone for keeping this up and running.



    doug funny. You remind me of Doug
  • You remind me of Doug

  • daygoKid19
    Apr 20, 11:16 PM
    is this a desktop or laptop?

    It is a desktop. i have also decided to throw my PS3 in the mix so it will be helping out at night.

    doug funny. of Doug Funnie and friends
  • of Doug Funnie and friends

  • rdsaunders
    Oct 24, 08:23 AM
    So whats the plan, are we all going to wear name badges or something or shall I just wave a welsh flag!, of course if I do that in London i'll probably be ambushed...

    doug funny. “Doug Funny Goes Corporate”
  • “Doug Funny Goes Corporate”

  • spicyapple
    Sep 27, 10:57 AM
    They Can Aways Resort To, Etc.
    Oh noes! The dreaded off-topic discussion on numbering schemes that pops up after each os update. ;)

    Jul 24, 09:29 AM
    ^ nice but too expensive.

    100-150 euro more for it is a lot. Retailers are already throwing deals together such as free game, or at least cheaper game plus extra controllers.

    I got the new machine with extra black controller, Pure & Lego Batman + newly released ToyStory 3 free.
    Yea, that was the older 360 Elite Spring Bundle that MS was selling. The reason they threw Pure and Lego Batman in is because those games are old. Both came out in 2008. I already own all the Lego games anyway. The other Elite bundle they were selling recently came with Halo 3: ODST and Forza 3, two games that I already own as well. So, the standard bundles that MS has been selling haven't been much use to me.

    The way I see it, with this bundle I'm getting the new $300 "S" console with an extra $60 controller and the $60 game for $380 (I had Amazon credit). So, I'm getting $40 off what it would have cost just for those items if I bought them separately, and that doesn't even take into account the unique color and graphics of the console and controllers. For a huge Halo fan, like myself, that counts for something. I think it is a good deal.

    Mar 25, 10:15 AM
    Second that. There's a niche market (I think) amongst a few for film. Unfortunately, its become really expensive proposition. Even if you pay $2 for a roll and $10 for developing/processing, its crazy expensive compared to digital. If they could some how make it cheaper it could be successful.

    I have a couple of horses I could sell you for your buggy. You yourself have in one short paragraph identified why film is gone and ain't comin' back.

    Apr 1, 12:00 PM
    The black 3ds officially beat the iPhone in sexiness

    Apr 5, 12:28 PM
    I don't know if I qualify as a "fan boy" or not... I love technology, Apple just happens to have been the leader for a long time. Anyway, I'm not a fan of CR's criteria regardless of what they recommend. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.I hear ya. People would definitely say Fanboy James is talking Apple again, but looking around my world, I see Sanyo, Sony, Vizio, MS XBox, Pioneer, Toshiba and other logos. I like tech. I have more Apple stuff, but Apple simply makes more stuff that I like in certain ways than others do.

    Those shouting Fanboy, take notice!

    Mar 29, 06:32 PM
    he looks so thin...damn

    sure this was a publicity stunt...